[Python-Dev] help required
Michael Foord
fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Fri Sep 25 21:30:01 CEST 2009
waqas ahmad wrote:
> Hi,
> I dont know it is the right place to post this question. I need help
> to change one search code line . can you help me please.
Hello Waqas,
This is a list for the development *of* Python, not for development with
Python. More appropriate lists, where hopefully there will be lots of
people willing to help you, are python-list and python-tutor:
Or the google groups gateway for the Python-list (comp.lang.python):
All the best,
Michael Foord
> here is my search method code:
> search=re.compile("^#acl InternationalGroup.*\n", re.M).search(pagetext)
> if search:
> ret=search.group()
> here i am searching for "#acl InternationalGroup" in the pageText and
> when it true is then give me search group.
> I want to change this for following requirement:
> I want to search for "#acl InternationalGroup" and
> "CatInternational" in the pageText.
> when "#acl InternationalGroup" is not there but "CatInternational" is
> there. then return me search group.
> I shall be thankful to you for any help.
> Best Regards,
> Waqas
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