[Python-Dev] Update xml.etree.ElementTree for Python 2.7 and 3.2

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Mon Mar 1 08:32:02 CET 2010

Florent XICLUNA, 01.03.2010 00:36:
> I exchanged some e-mails with Fredrik last week. Not sure if it will be
> 1.2.8 or 1.3, but now he is positive on the goals of the patch. I've
> commited all the changes and external fixes to a branch of the Mercurial
> repo owned by Fredrik. I'm expecting an answer soon.

Happy to hear that. Thanks for putting so much work into this!

> Branch based on the official etree repository (Mercurial):
> http://bitbucket.org/flox/et-2009-provolone/

Interesting, I didn't even know Fredrik had continued to work on this. It
even looks like lxml.etree has a bit to catch up API-wise before I release 2.3.


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