[Python-Dev] Python 3 optimizations continued...

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Aug 30 20:41:05 CEST 2011

On 8/30/2011 1:23 PM, stefan brunthaler wrote:
> (I just wanted to know if there is substantial interest so that
 >  it eventually pays off to find and fix the remaining bugs)

It is the nature of our development process that there usually can be no 
guarantee of acceptance of future code. The rather early acceptance of 
Unladen Swallow was to me something of an anomaly. I also think it was 
something of a mistake insofar as it discouraged other efforts, like yours.

I think the answer you have gotten is that there is a) substantial 
interest and b) a willingness to consider a major change such as 
switfing from bytecode to something else. There also seem to be two main 
concerns: 1) that the increase in complexity be 'less' than the increase 
in speed, and 2) that the changes be presented in small enough chunks 
that they can be reviewed.

Whether this is good enough for you to proceed is for you to decide.

Terry Jan Reedy

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