[Python-ideas] A GUI for beginners and experts alike (Mike Barnett)

Hugh Fisher hugo.fisher at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 18:14:26 EDT 2018

> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2018 18:49:48 +0000
> From: Mike Barnett <mike_barnett at hotmail.com>
> Python has dropped the GUI ball, at least for beginners (in my opinion)
> While the Python language is awesomely compact, the GUI code is far from compact.  Tkinter will create a nice looking GUI, but you've got to be skilled to use it.  A student in their first week of Python programming is not going to be working with tkinter.
> It would be nice if beginners could double click a .py file and have it launch straight into a GUI, like most of the programs people are used to using.
> I think I've stumbled onto a framework that could work very well for creating fairly complex custom-layout GUIs...

Have you looked at PySide2? It's the latest Python wrapper for the QT
cross platform
GUI framework.

A graphical "hello world" in QT is only half a dozen or less lines of
code in total, so
meets the simplicity requirement. The big drawback of QT  for Python
until now has
been building the thing, but now it's on PyPI so "pip install"
(should) Just Work.


        Hugh Fisher

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