
cmkl cmkleffner at
Thu Dec 6 09:50:49 EST 2001

Really cool,

during development I'm able to put several lines with

 pyrepl.python_reader.ReaderConsole(vars(), 0, None).interact()

within the code, even inside functions!

All I need is 'import pyrepl.python_reader' at the beginnig of 
the module. Now I can estimate the state of the programm interactivly 
within the scope of the function - break pyrepl with CTRL<D> - proceed
with the script and take a break at the next line with pyrepl....

Some kind of debugging with hardcoded breakpoints or
'debbuging for dummies'. This is the thing I was looking for!


Neil Schemenauer <nas at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1006875515.27444.python-list at>...
> Michael Hudson wrote:
> > This is pyrepl 0.6, a readline-a-like for Python, which seems to be
> > being released on 2001-11-27.
>  ...
> >  * sane multi-line editing
> This is cool.  We have a little script that we use to interact with our
> object database (ZODB).  It's used to do ad hoc queries or maintenance
> on the database.  Usually we run it with "python -i".  I installed the
> files in the pyrepl distribution in site-packages and added a
> in order to make it a package.  Next, I added the following
> lines to the end of the script:
>     from pyrepl.python_reader import ReaderConsole
>     ReaderConsole(globals(), 0, None).interact()
> It works great.  Thanks Michael.
>   Neil

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