How to protect python code ?

Cameron Laird claird at
Tue Apr 8 07:40:43 EDT 2003

In article <3E921B51.5030401 at>,
msw  <markscottwright at> wrote:
>Cameron Laird wrote:
>> I exaggerate a bit.  There are indeed legitimate roles
>> for obfuscating technologies.  Managers think they're
>> Dave's right.
>Maybe, but since I'm the only one here who's read the requirements 
>document, I submit that I'm the only one qualified to suggest a software 
>design, no matter how limited my intelligence.
>I'm right.  ;-)

Maybe both.

Perhaps I should have made it explicit that I already
have a couple of clients--hmmm; now that I think of it,
it's even more than that--who pay for obfuscated appli-
cations.  I sure didn't mean to be unhelpful, and I 
don't remember at all judging or commenting on your 
intelligence.  Here's where my experience has taught
1.  I don't have anything more productive
    to say on the subject than others have
    already offered (I suspect that re-
    flects on *my* intelligence);
2.  I feel more useful relatings ways it
    can go wrong than suggesting local 
    hacks to patch up one aspect or another.

Yeah, with sufficient motivation, it's possible I'm
capable of better.  I'll repeat:  my experience in this
area has left me wary of saying more than, "you can
tart up import ...", in public.

It's a tough subject.  Good luck.

Cameron Laird <Cameron at>

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