OT: Recommended Linux Laptops, suppliers?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Mar 18 12:15:47 EST 2003

    >> I would recommend thinking about Apples again, though.

    Cliff> Have to disagree here.  Intel boxes, whether laptop or desktop
    Cliff> tend to be far cheaper than Apple products.  

Price is only one consideration.  Ease of administration, compatibility with
other stuff you have, excellent user interface, bundled apps, etc.  all
figure into the mix.  I love my Powerbook.  It doesn't matter to me that I
could get a faster Intel-based laptop for probably 1/2 to 2/3 the price of
what I paid for my PB.

    Cliff> Does OSX use X11?

It's available, either via XDarwin or via Apples recently announced beta of
an X Window system.  I haven't tried the Apple offering (I use the
XDarwin/OroborOSX combination), but I believe it's supposed to be fairly
well-integrated with the rest of the system.


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