My future Python IDE article

Steven D. Arnold stevena at
Fri Sep 12 22:02:47 EDT 2003

On 9/9/03 1:11 AM, "Hardy Jonck" <hjonck at> wrote:

> I recently had a look at Jedit and must say I am impressed. Python
> support via Jython 2.1 - but the extensibility and philosophy that
> comes with Jedit is amazing.

I agree -- it has an awesome multi-file search feature that makes it fairly
competitive with even a five-star editor like Source Insight (which is
available only on Win32).  The spirit of this editor seems to be much like
emacs, and it's GPLed.  Right now I believe it is the best programmer's text
editor on Mac OS X, and I have done a detailed search for a good Mac OS X
text editor.


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