ANN: The release of BlackAdder V1.0.0 - this time for real :)

Todd Stephens Huzzah! at
Wed Sep 17 21:06:07 EDT 2003

Lothar Scholz wrote in article
<6ee58e07.0309171548.314a046c at>:

> i hope that there support for the program is better then the support
> for their website. Everything in the last weeks doesn't look very
> promising. is somewhat notorious for not updating their website as they
update the apps.  They are heavily involved in embedded app development as
well as much larger projects like BlackAdder, Kobol, and Aethera to name
just a few.  I guess sometimes updating the website falls through the
cracks.  I would go by what the person who actually tried the demo said.

Todd Stephens
ICQ# 3150790
"A witty saying proves nothing."

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