[Python-mode] more speech driven how twos

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Fri Jun 17 16:02:19 CEST 2011

making more progress on some of the tools I need for speech or programming. Got 
a friend working with me on the variable management tool. Could use a few bits 
to help project along.

"Where am I." used to help resolve which transformation of an English name is 
used in a given context. Specifically, I'm looking for files/class/method 
information. Next variation of this "where am I." context is if I have an 
instance, what names are visible from that class defining that instance.  Yes, 
yes I know all about ducktyping and how it has made people's lives completely 
miserable (mine at least. I really love a good strong type signature). I'm 
perfectly content to do my own transformation between instance and class and 
then ask about what's visible in the class.  which raises the question of how 
does an external application query Emacs for data.

(Jump to|push to|get|change) [next | last]  (instance|method|argument 
#|index|single [double] quotes|triple [double] quotes)

These are the kind of operations and data types I need to manipulate. Some of 
these imply selection at the same time (get, change).

Something that would be really really nice would be navigation plus selection. 
If you navigate piece of code like this, you would highlight (and automatically 
select) in the following sequence

if unit is "carbs":

if unit is "carbs":   (statements)

if unit is "carbs":  (predicate)

if unit is "carbs": (comparison)

if unit is "carbs":

if unit is "carbs":

if unit is "carbs":

as you can see, navigation involves traversing the language structure. The 
reason for this is each point is highlighted in red has a name and I should also 
be able to navigate it by name. I've put in the few that I can think of that 
makes sense and yes, if you have multiple terms it's going get a little ugly 
naming them but I'm sure something useful will evolve.
For right now though simply navigating and selection would make things much 
easier because I don't have to coordinate hands, fingers, mouse to select an 
element. I just get a chunk and it will most likely be the chunk I want.

I think I did warn you that speech user interfaces and specifically programming 
by speech does get a little weird at times if all you're used to his keyboard 
and mouse. :-)

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