[Python-uk] UK events and O'Reilly

Andy Robinson andy@robanal.demon.co.uk
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:39:37 GMT

time to get my vested interest out in the open.  As a
consultant.contractor and co-author of the forthcoming "Python
Programming for Win32", my employment opportunities are going to be
closely  linked to Python's take-up by companies in the UK.  I fully
appreciate that some enjoy Python as a hobby, but others would love to
work at it full time, so I'm doing more serious stuff than pub crawls.
But I need help...

I am meeting Josette Garcia, who runs O'Reilly's UK office, on Tuesday
5th October to discuss how to promote Python in the UK.  I would
welcome any ideas on promoting Python here - e.g. conferences we could
piggyback a Python track onto.  O'Reilly are not short of cash and
might be able to help if we had focussed suggestions.  Cambridge could
be a great venue for a Python conference next year (hint, hint).

Also does anyone fancy writing an article or two for some of the UK
computer press?  Having just spent several months on a full-sized
book, I can tell you that it is not too tough and great fun, and would
help out with reading through.

