[PythonCE] Running scripts by double clicking

David L. Kashtan kashtan at Validus.Com
Tue Jul 13 01:10:21 CEST 2004

In order for this to work, there need to be specific entries in
the Pocket PC registry.  I have written a Python script that does
this.  Also had to fix a bug in _winreg.pyd and python.exe for
everything to work.

If you pick up the latest distribution from http://www.validus.com/~kashtan
it will have the latest files in it.

Using the Pocket PC file explorer, go to "\Program Files\Python\Lib" and
double click the "Setup Registry" Python icon.  It will set things up so
double-clicking ".py" or ".pyc" files will work.

David Kashtan
Validus Medical Systems

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