[PythonCE] serial port access

adrian wong awong8888 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 21 02:46:28 CET 2007


I would like to access my serial port on my pocket pc. Would someone
sent me the ceserial.py codes and give me a few pointers on "how to"
do a "Hello World " type python program to strart. I'm very new to
python and very, very very new to pythonce. I tried this link
", but when I import ceserial, pythonce gave me a "SyntasError:
invalid synax"
Thanks in advance.
awong8888 at gmail.comhttp://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythonce/attachments/20060922/5af92a01/attachment-0003.py
", but when I import ceserial, pythonce gave me a "SyntasError:
invalid synax"
Thanks in advance.
awong8888 at gmail.com

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