[PythonCE] tk/tcl

John Aherne johna at johnaherne.co.uk
Wed Jan 10 10:19:53 CET 2007

Bandung wrote:
> I don't know paint from whatever when it comes to how folks compile things
> for windoze machines.  I have always suspected that some of the wince issues
> are due to hard wired path statements at install time.  But before we can
> point our fingers at this issue, lets look at a few other things.
> (1) First:  Are you trying to install and run a separate tcl/tk apart from
> the version that ships with Python?  If you are, then there are directory
> logistic issues to be resolved.  if you have some tcl scripts that you are
> trying to run separate and apart from python, then I can walk you through my
> directory setup if you wish.  BUt for now, I am assuming that this is not
> what you want to do.
> (2) Second: Are you simply trying to get Tkinter working within your
> Python25 installation?  If so, then there should be no issue wrt path names. 
> I seem to recall running my Pythonce just fine from the device's memory.
> - First make sure that you have Celib, tk8.4.dll and tcl8.4.dll in your
> windows directory. 
> - Soft reset is your friend.  Whenever you start moving files around, you
> can just about bet that you are due for some crazy Tkinter happenings.  Do
> this first.  
> - Then list your python25 directory structure.  It should be according to
> the standard python25 install.
> For example
> /Program files/Python25
>  - list their names...
> /Program files/Python25/Lib
>  - list their names
> /Program files/Python25/dll
>  - list their names
Thanks for the reply.

I have done a standard python2.5 install.

I got the tkinter.zip from


I got this link from the pyeditce site. It is Tcl 8.4.3

I have put the 3 dlls into my windows directory as per instructions from 

I have also gone back through the past 15 months emails to find out what 
everyone was doing but I just can't see where the tk and library folders 
are meant to go.

As I said I moved them around based on the sys.path but the only thing I 
got going was init.tcl.

My sys.path looks as follows:

\\Program Files\\Python25\python25.zip
\\Program Files\\Python25\python25.zip\\lib-tk
\\Program Files\\Python25\\DLLS
\\Program Files\\Python25\\lib
\\Program Files\Python25

The Tk zip file I have looks like this:

\Windows\ -- has the dll files in it. I move these to the windows folder

I think the problem is where I place the last two and whether I need to 
make some config change so that python or tcl can find its various elements.

All the emails I looked at seemed to be vague about this. I assume 
because it was too obvious to mention. But this is the bit that has me 

If you can let me know how you set this up I would much appreciate it.


John Aherne

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