[Pythonmac-SIG] Wanted: working example of CFBundleTypeRole Shell

Kevin Ollivier guess-who@kevin-masako.com
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 09:19:32 -0500

On Friday, March 8, 2002, at 08:30  AM, Jack Jansen wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 11:09 , Jack Jansen wrote:
>> Folks,
>> does anyone know of an OSX program that actually uses the 
>> CFBundleTypeRole of "Shell" in its .plist and actually has it working?
> Contacted Apple support about this, and it turns out the Shell role is 
> not implemented at all. They are going to fix the documentation.
> I'm going to think about the problem a bit more: it's solved for the 
> command line case already, and for the finder case (doubleclicking a 
> .py file) I'm not so sure anymore that what you want if you double 
> click a .py file is running it, a case could be made that you really 
> want to open it in the IDE.

Couldn't it be set up so that in the Finder case, when you double-click 
on a .py file, the Python.app bundle would actually pass the script and 
its arguments to the command line interface, then shut down? (I know 
Applescript can execute shell commands, are there C++/ObjectiveC APIs 
for this?) While I do see your point that people may want to open the 
script in the editor, I think the question boils down to what a person 
with Python installed is planning on doing more with the scripts they 
have, running or editing them? Personally, I find myself running scripts 
more than editing them, so I think this behavior should at least be 
supported if possible, especially if non-programmers start using Python 

If, however, this means reverse-engineering the JAR launcher's 
functionality, then I'd say open it in the editor for now. =) We could 
in worst case package in an Applescript drop-let for Python scripts 
which runs them from the command line, or create an Applescript which 
lets you specify a script name and parameters.

I also had a question about the new WASTE support for OS X. Should I 
download the binary distribution and put it in the $(CVSROOT)/dist 
directory? The author states on the web site that to get the source code 
I need to contact him directly. You mentioned CVS access, but I couldn't 
seem to find it.

