[Pythonmac-SIG] Mac User Python Newbies

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Feb 11 20:33:51 CET 2005

On Feb 11, 2005, at 12:36, Louis Pecora wrote:

> Brendan Simons wrote:
>> The IDE thread is a recurring one.  Here's my experience as another 
>> Python newbie.  I tried SPE, PythonCard, PyOxice, PyPE, eclipse and 
>> wing (under x11).  All work, but I found that each one had enough 
>> quirks (mostly UI inconsistencies, but some are downright unstable)  
>> that I was less productive than without.   Not to sell any short, I'm 
>> sure they will get better given time.
>> FWIW, the winning formula for me right now is:
>> 1) Editor:  TextWrangler (http://www.barebones.com/index.shtml).
>>  -Free, "Made For Mac", Code Colouring,  Method Indexing, The ability 
>> to run scripts from the editor, More text manipulation options than I 
>> can count.
>> 2) GuiEditor:  XRCed.py (comes with the wxPython install package).  
>> (Or code the wxPython by hand, which takes longer, but gives you a 
>> little more control over the result).
>> 3) And an instance of terminal running python interactive mode.  
>> Actually, this is the most valuable Python tool I've found so far - 
>> it's like a scratch pad where I can quickly check assumptions, or 
>> test out ideas.
>> The only thing I'm missing now is a debugger with breakpoints, call 
>> stack, and variable watches.  I'll have to settle for random print 
>> statements for now.
> You didn't mention the regular Mac Python IDE (maybe you did and I 
> don't know it by the names you used).  But it is pretty nice (no 
> syntax coloring is the most negative) on the other hand it has a 
> debugger that's very nice and easy to use.
> But does it work with wxPython?  I know some things (Tkinter, I think) 
> doesn't play nice with MacPython.

The MacPython IDE runs all Python interpreters in-process and therefore 
can't run *any* GUI scripts/applications correctly using that feature.

> I really like the ability to edit and just hit cmd-R to run the script.
> The IDE could use some updating and wart removal.  Syntax coloring, 
> better scrolling (that's damaged right now), use of scroll wheel (if 
> present), a few other interface changes.
> In the end it's my tool.
> I don't really understand how your are doing the development.  You 
> have to jump to a term window to run the script?

The source code for the old MacPython IDE is extremely ancient and 
nobody has expressed interest in updating it...


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