[Pythonmac-SIG] Newbie Python User Question About IDLE (File > New Window seems to disable IDLE)

Ned Deily nad at acm.org
Tue Oct 5 05:39:58 CEST 2010

In article 
<AANLkTinrOvRM7zevgepVLRmwVaUbvyzC7a_Gihcu2FxY at mail.gmail.com>,
 Chris Rebert <pythonmac at rebertia.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Richard Fuhr <richard.fuhr at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am a new Python user and have started to explore a few of its basic
> > capabilities using IDLE
> >
> > I am running Mac OS X Snow Leopard ( version 10.6.4 )
> > with Python Version 2.6.1
> >                Tk Version 8.5
> >             IDLE Version 2.6.1
> > PS - Since first posting this question on another discussion group, I have
> > been told that there are indeed problems
> > with some versions of IDLE on the Mac, and was also urged to post this
> > question here on the pythonmac-sig group
> > for additional guidance.
> I can confirm that under Snow Leopard's system/Framework Python+IDLE,
> doing File -> New Window creates a new window without any window
> decoration and then causes IDLE to hang.
> However, there is no such problem with my Python 2.6.5 X11-based IDLE from 
> Fink.
> You might consider installing another Python from Fink[1] or
> MacPorts[2], since you don't want to muck around with the system
> Python anyway (you'll surely want to install 3rd party Python
> modules/packages at some point). Its IDLE ought to work.

Another option is to use the python.org 2.6.6 installer for Mac OS X 
which uses the Apple-supplied Aqua Tk 8.4 or an ActiveState Tk 8.4 (if 
you install it), so it does not use X11.  It's 32-bit only but IDLE and 
Tkinter work just fine.  You can download it from here: 


By the way, Python 2.7 is already out.  There are two OS X installers 
for 2.7.  If you want to try 2.7 and use IDLE, stick with the 32-bit 
"for 10.3 and later" installer; there are problems with the "10.5 and 
later" when used on 10.6 that will be fixed in the next release.


If you want to be on the cutting edge of new Python features, look at 
Python 3.  Python 3.1.2 is the most recent stable release; 3.2 is 
currently in alpha testing.  But there are some major incompatibilities 
between Python 2 and 3 and the two versions will co-exist for some time.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at acm.org

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