[SciPy-Dev] scipy.io.wavfile to read byte array directly?

Joseph Booker joe at neoturbine.net
Sat Sep 10 16:53:22 EDT 2016


Are you aware of io.BytesIO? I don't know the performance implications of
using a wrapper, but I'd expect loading the data to take marginal time
compared to training your ML model.


On Sep 10, 2016 4:35 PM, "Miles Dowe" <milesdowe at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was interested in the creation of a function for the scipy.io.wavfile
> utility. Rather than requiring that read() only be performed on a file, I'd
> like to add a read() function where a byte array of WAV data can be
> provided directly.
> Here's some background behind this motivation. I am a student with the
> University of Washington and I have been working with a former student's
> machine learning algorithm. The aim of the algorithm is to detect human
> laughter and it utilizes SciPy and NumPy.
> We're aiming to create a service-oriented architecture maintained in AWS
> and our audio data is stored within S3. I've been experimenting with the
> Boto3 library, which returns a byte array, and I'd like to provide that
> data directly to the machine learning script (instead of writing to the
> disk and reading from it).
> I'd like to hear your thoughts and might experiment with this idea until
> approval is expressed by the community.
> Thank you for your time,
> Miles
> --
> Miles
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