[spambayes-dev] OptionsClass.is_valid too picky?

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon Nov 17 00:24:50 EST 2003

>> It looks to me like OptionsClass.HEADER_VALUE is too restrictive, but
>> I'll leave it for the author of that code to decide whether or not to
>> loosen it up.

> I wrote (many of) the regexes in OptionsClass, and in my defense I'll
> note that (somewhere) at the time I pointed out that they needed to
> be checked out by someone more expert at them than me.
> It's currently "[\w\.\-\*]+".  Someone here must know offhand what
> the valid characters in an email header are, yes?  Or do we just go
> with flexibility and use ".+"?

RFC 822 sez:

    The  field-name must be composed of printable ASCII characters
    (i.e., characters that  have  values  between  33.  and  126.,
    decimal, except colon).

But who cares?  Not me.

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