[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] RV: I18N and L10N

Jens Rantil jens.rantil at telia.com
Mon Nov 24 16:13:34 EST 2003

Hi Richie,
I am one of those passive readers at this forum =) and finally have something to

On Sat, 15 Nov 2003 16:57:27 +0000
Richie Hindle <richie at entrian.com> wrote:

> We'd love to have international versions, though there are a lot of issues
> involved.  I don't mean to put you off the idea, or to imply that we're
> not prepared to put effort into this, but these things need taking into
> account...
> Many (most?) of the English strings in SpamBayes are mixed in with the
> code.  Taking the source code as it is an translating the strings into
> Spanish would be unmaintainable - we'd have two entirely separate versions
> of the code, and any edits would have to be applied to both.  So the first
> job to do would be to pull out all those hard-coded strings into a
> language file.  That's not a huge job, and one that any computer-literate
> person could probably do 95% of, even if they weren't a programmer.  Still
> more effort than simply translating a collection of English phrases into
> Spanish, though.

No one here seems to have mentioned the GNU gettext project. Why not try to
integrate SB with gettext instead? I believe that should be the best
solution...and if no one is happy doing it I might have a look at it, however, I
can't promise having time. =)

for more info. 


Jens Rantil, a fan of yours =)

PS. When reading thrue all the messages in the user mailing list I find that
many of the questions concerning the outlook plugin aren't replied. I would
suggest adding at least a line in the FAQ on how to set the logging frequency
and where to find the log file so that it can be attached to the mails. Perhaps
that would help a lot in solving some of the errors which seems to circumvent in
the plugin? DS.

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