[Spambayes] IMAP

Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions tim at fourstonesExpressions.com
Fri Apr 4 08:32:17 EST 2003

4/4/2003 2:48:20 AM, Oliver Maunder <lists at olivermaunder.co.uk> wrote:

>Meyer, Tony wrote:
>>Just how high is the demand for an IMAP solution for spambayes?  (Speak
>>up!).  I'm happy (as is TimS I think) to do the coding necessary since
>>it's probably pretty similar to the pop3proxy stuff anyway, but (as
>>we've both said) we don't have IMAP accounts to test against (anyone
>>know of free ones from anywhere?).
>I want an IMAP solution!

When I joined this mailing list and started talking about a Lotus Notes 
integration.  This project was the first open source project I'd ever 
participated in, and Tim Peters helped me tremendously early on by letting me 
know that in open source, you get to scratch your own itch <wink>.  So... 
don't look for an IMAP proxy from me anytime soon...

c'est moi - TimS

There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
  those who understand binary,
  and those who don't.

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