[Spambayes] Re: Cannot connect to socket with sb_bnserver.py

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu Apr 15 23:52:56 EDT 2004

    Remi> socket.error: (111, 'Connection refused')

    Remi> I think one of you told me to do a test like "telnet localhost
    Remi> port" (I Can't find the old email)

    Remi> The port I should use should be 111 ?

Nope.  111 is the socket error message.  I don't think the telnet trick will
work since sb_bnserver.py opens a unix domain socket.

sb_bnfilter.py works like a champ for me.  Are you using the latest versions
of each (1.1 of both in the scripts directory)?  How do you have
sb_bnfilter.py configured to run from your .procmailrc file?  Are there any
interesting messages in your .procmail.log file?

I don't know if this will help, but I did run into one problem.  When
running sb_bnfilter.py from my .procmailrc file sb_bnserver.py was aborting
because a different version of the Python interpreter (/usr/bin/python I
think) was being used to run it (no spambayes directory in site-packages).
The PATH procmail sees is pretty basic.  Even if I explicitly specified
sb_bnfilter.py like this:


sb_bnserver.py was run with /usr/bin/python.  The solution was to prepend
$HOME/local/bin to my PATH early in my .procmailrc file:


That would certainly explain why sb_bnfilter.py has nothing to connect to.


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