[Spambayes] I Want My Spambayes!

Dave Matt dmatt at ocss-va.org
Tue Sep 7 23:11:03 CEST 2004

There I was, living the spam-free life and then I "upgraded" to Outlook
2003.  Now I'm deluged with spam and I want my Spambayes back.  Please
help me.  I hope there's something obvious that I've failed to do that
someone will recognize.
I downloaded version Spambayes 1.0rc2.exe and installed it.  The toolbar
appeared and I dragged a couple of hundred spams into the junk mail
folder.  However, when I tried to access the dropdown menu or when I try
to "Delete As Spam", Outlook locks up and and I get, "Microsoft Office
has encountered a problem and needs to close."  Outlook closes and
restarts.  I am now getting 200-600 spams a day.
I have done and checked the following things:
Deleted the toolbar according to instructions and restarted Outlook.
The toolbar comes back but nothing changes.
Uninstalled and reinstalled the program several times.
Checked to make sure that SpamBayes is shown and checked in Outlook's
COM add-ins.  It is there and checked.
Checked to make sure that it is not disabled through Outlook's
Help/About Outlook/Disabled Items button.  It is not.
Checked the log files.  They seem to indicate that the snap-in is
installed properly and functioning.  There are four log files. Below is
the text of Spambayes1.log.  It is typical of the four.
Loaded bayes database from 'C:\Documents and
Settings\dmatt.000\Application Data\SpamBayes\default_bayes_database.db'
Loaded message database from 'C:\Documents and
Bayes database initialized with 734 spam and 199 good messages
SpamBayes Outlook Addin Binary Version 1.0rc2 (June 2004) starting (with
engine SpamBayes Engine Version 0.3 (January 2004))
on Windows 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 1)
using Python 2.3.3 (#51, Feb 13 2004, 14:39:56) [MSC v.1200 32 bit
SpamBayes: Watching (for filtering) in 'Personal Folders/Inbox'
SpamBayes: Watching (for incremental training) in 'Personal
Processing missed spam in folder 'Inbox' by starting a timer
FAILED to add the toolbar item 'SpamBayesCommand.Manager' -
(-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None, None, None, 0,
-2147467259), None)
The above toolbar message is common - recreating the toolbar...
Any ideas?  Thanks.

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