[Spambayes] A bug report

Carl TR6 carltr6 at embarqmail.com
Thu Dec 4 13:29:18 CET 2008

I have had this happen twice to me in the past two years on my home
computer with Outlook 2003. I could never identify the cause.  The
second time it happened, I removed and then reinstalled Spambayes.  This
has been nearly nine months ago and it has not occurred since.
Carl Swofford
Florida State Captain
Patriot Guard Riders
CarlS at patriotguard.org
Riding in loving memory of CW2 Justin S. Swofford
-----Original Message-----
From: spambayes-bounces+carltr6=embarqmail.com at python.org
[mailto:spambayes-bounces+carltr6=embarqmail.com at python.org] On Behalf
Of Juha Suomalainen
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 6:24 AM
To: spambayes at python.org
Subject: [Spambayes] A bug report
Hello coders,
I am using the SpamBayes Outlook add in with Outlook 2007 (under WinXP).
As a classifier results are seen, the plug in works perfectly, and I
want to thank all of you coders for the great work! 
However from time to time I am having some problems with Spambayes
freezing my Outlook totally, if the connection to the IMAP server is
busy. Our corporate IMAP server is over  burdened and sometimes
(actually quite often) the connection to the server fails. Sometimes,
but not everytime, this leads to complete freeze of the Outlook. When I
force Outlook to shut down and restart it, Outlook says that it was the
Spambayes Outlook plugin that froze the system and asks if I would like
disable it.
This behavior is same for both versions 1.0.4 and the latest alpha
release 1.1a4. I haven't got a slightest idea of SpamBayes code
operation, but I wonder if this freeze-problem could be fixed by simply
changing some timeout delays or adding an emergency exit to some loop to
be used if connection to server fails.
-Juha Suomalainen
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