[Tkinter-discuss] Updating of a Window

Michael Lange klappnase at web.de
Tue Aug 30 11:34:22 CEST 2005

On Sun, 28 Aug 2005 12:07:40 -0500
jepler at unpythonic.net wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 28, 2005 at 09:29:17AM -0700, Sajjad Hussain wrote:
> > On another topic, I read that non-rectangular windows
> > such as the one used by Windows Media player can be
> > created in Visual Studio using Windows GDI. (I have a
> > link to a tutorial on how to do this if anyone is
> > interested). I was wondering if we can do the same
> > using Tkinter. I know Python has wrappers for some GDI
> > methods. Also, if someone is interested in just
> > displaying the GUI with no titlebar (no min, max,
> > quit), they can use wm_overridedirect method. However,
> > this method prevents the user in minimizing,
> > maximizing or quitting (solution: provide your own
> > quit method). You cannot move the window either. By
> > the way, can we implement our own tk_grab methods to
> > move windows. 
> An experimental version of the shape extension says it works on Windows.  If
> this is true, it should be possible to use it from Tkinter.  However, I have no
> idea what the build process is for Tk extensions on Windows.  I have used the
> shape extension (0.3) on Linux, though only from tcl/tk programs, never from
> Tkinter ones.
> http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/tcl/shapeidx.html
> Jeff

The tkdnd Tk extension includes shape (at least the linux version): <http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkdnd> .
I have written a (yet experimental) wrapper for tkdnd (<http://www.8ung.at/klappnase/TkinterDnD/TkinterDnD.html>),
so maybe you can try this. I never tried tkdnd or the wrapper on windows, though.



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