[Tracker-discuss] Getting Started

Paul Dubois pfdubois at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 19:21:35 CET 2006

I am *not* suggesting starting over. I am suggesting:

a. Check in the classic template from the roundup version you started with.
b. Branch it to 'ours'.
c. Check out all of ours, untar the prototype on top of it, and check it in.
d. Deploy the prototype.

When a new roundup is released, check the template portion in on top of (a)
and push changes to 'ours'. During resolution of these changes you can of
course decide you don't want them but at least you know what they are.

I don't think it has been a 'long time' since the classic template got
changed. I think it happens in almost every release.

On 11/1/06, Stefan Seefeld <seefeld at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> Paul Dubois wrote:
> > Truth be told I have only once had to modify the runtime. However, like
> > most
> > people I started with some instance of the classic template, and
> modified
> > it, and there are LOTS of times where new roundup releases have changes
> to
> > the classic template, often required to match the runtime. But unless
> you
> > use source code control, you don't know what they are.
> I don't think any changes to the runtime requires changes on the
> templates.
> At least, that hasn't happened for a long time, as roundup grew more and
> more stable. What happens, of course, is that the vanilla templates
> themselves
> get more sophisticated over time.
> However, as I expect us moving away from these default templates rather
> quickly,
> I'm not sure merging in new features is the most efficient way to enhance
> our
> templates.
> > If you started with the demo tracker you started with a slightly
> modified
> > version of 'classic'.
> > I'm suggesting that it is this classic template we need to start with so
> > that when new versions of it come out we're ok. I think in principle one
> > should track the release runtime too but it probably isn't necessary.
> I think we should start with the tracker instance we already have (which
> Erik
> put together for the prototype, and to which I contributed some template
> enhancements). There is no reason to start over again, in particular, as
> criticism and enhancement requests were made based on that instance.
> Regards,
>                 Stefan
> --
>       ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...
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