[Tutor] Removing lines in string-table

Olli Rajala olli.rajala at gmail.com
Tue May 17 09:52:39 CEST 2005

I have a string table (don't recall the right word used in Python
right now) and would like to remove every 'cell' that contains a
string '_thumb.jpg'. There are 1-> digits before the string if that
matters. I made a for-loop that does what I want to:

for line in fileNames:
    if line[-10:] == '_thumb.jpg':

But I really doubt that it's not the best way to do this. So, any
comments are really appreciated.

Back to coding...
Olli Rajala <><
Tampere, Finland

"In theory, Theory and Practice should be
the same. But in practice, they aren't."
- Murphy's Proverbs

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