[Tutor] Python at my work

skrabbit at comcast.net skrabbit at comcast.net
Fri Dec 4 16:22:45 CET 2009

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>
To: tutor at python.org
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2009 3:07:06 PM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python at my work

Playing Devil's Advocate here...

<skrabbit at comcast.net> wrote 

> - Clean easy to read syntax
> - Easy to learn

But if the rest already know Perl that's not such a 
compelling argument.

> - Object Oriented as needed
> - Large community

Yep, Perl does that too.

> - Multi-platform

Yep, Perl too.

> - Fits in your head

Hmmm.... I know what you mean but I'm not sure a Perl fan would 
understand what that means.

> - Batteries included
> - Large library(Cheese Shop)

Perl fans would say the same - CPAN is bigger and easier to 
use than the CheeseShop, we can't really argue that point.

> Anything else?

The main advantage over Perl is its suitability for large scale 
programming - packages as well as simple modules - and 
maybe ease of integration with Java via Jython if that matters
(I think there is a Java Perl but I'm not sure how mature it is)

And of course Perl fans will trawl out the usual "disadvantages"
of poorer performance and a smaller installed base.
You need to consider the counter arguments when constructing 
a case.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site


Our dept has already decided to keep Perl in its arsenal of languages.
I just need to give enough justification to keep Python in that

Thanks for all of your responses. 

Alan did a good job of Devil's Advocate. 

Is Python easier to learn that Perl? When we get new developers into
our group, the new developer will need to get up to speed on the tools
in our arsenal.

The best explanation of "fits in your head" is many times I have
guessed on how to do something in Python and it usually works. I don't
have to look it up in the docs or a book. I can't say I've had that
experience in Perl.

The biggest advantage I see is Python's clean easy to read syntax.
Perl cannot claim that.

I'll need to reread Eric Raymond's article and see if I can pick
anything that will help. 


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