[Tutor] python Q

chandar pass chandarpass at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 20:46:28 EDT 2021

Hello there I started python about two years ago while getting my cyber
security degree, and I am cinstatantly studying, I am also a jiu jitsu
practitioner and trying to create an input program where a user inputs a
submission, sweep I create and get back tip on how to sharpen that
request.  I am just a little stuck on where to go from here. I know I am
going to need a list, maybe a dictionary of moves and and feed back and how
to call those items. I hope this makes sense.
 dont mind the commented stuff

input = ("Type your favorite Jits move or submission :")

##kimura = "top side kimura"
E#next = ("Establish grip, and glue opponents elbow to your chest")#

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