[Tutor] python Q
Dennis Lee Bieber
wlfraed at ix.netcom.com
Fri Sep 3 12:55:04 EDT 2021
On Thu, 2 Sep 2021 17:46:28 -0700, chandar pass <chandarpass at gmail.com>
declaimed the following:
>Hello there I started python about two years ago while getting my cyber
>security degree, and I am cinstatantly studying, I am also a jiu jitsu
>practitioner and trying to create an input program where a user inputs a
>submission, sweep I create and get back tip on how to sharpen that
>request. I am just a little stuck on where to go from here. I know I am
>going to need a list, maybe a dictionary of moves and and feed back and how
>to call those items. I hope this makes sense.
> dont mind the commented stuff
Unfortunately I'm unable to really make sense of what your description
is really asking about. You are using terms that have a different meaning
to me...
"""submission, sweep I create and get back tip on how to sharpen that
request. """
What is a "submission" and how does it differ from "request"? What does
"sweep" mean (and "sweep I create" makes no grammatical sense to me). What
does "sharpen" mean with regards to a "request"?
List/dictionary are internal structures. Unless you account for
persistence, the contents would be lost when the program is exited. Stuff
that doesn't get changed /could/ be hard-coded into the program. I'd
suggest, instead, looking at SQLite database (as it is included with pretty
much all Python installs). SQLite database would allow adding/modifying
stuff without changing the program.
Is this application meant to be console (keyboard in a command line
shell), GUI tied to a computer (Tkinter, wxPython, PyQT), accessed via a
web application (Django, Flask).
At best, I interpret your use case to be:
* User selects some named move/technique (raw input, displayed menu,
drop-down list [if GUI/Web])
* Application looks up said move/technique, and displays a list of
suggested practice activities specific to training that move.
No records kept of who requested what... Possible improvements (really
requiring database) would be to have user sign in to the application, have
practice activities ranked by difficulty (and returning the easiest
activity that has NOT already been shown to the user). This expands the use
case to
# User signs into application
* User selects some named move/technique (raw input, displayed menu,
drop-down list [if GUI/Web])
# Application looks up said move/technique, and looks up user/move/shown
# Application displays next difficulty level of activity specific to
training that move. If no prior record for user/move, display simplest
# Application records user/move/last-seen-difficulty-level
Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
wlfraed at ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/
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