[XML-SIG] New release of xml package
Markus Fleck
Tue, 09 Jun 1998 22:14:05 +0200
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> IMO, all important Python extensions should use Python-style licenses.
This is what I thought too, and why I was shocked recently to learn
that the new version of Fnorb is under a noncommercial-use-only license.
Or did the DO-SIG also help create another "reference" implementation
than Fnorb and ILU, under a more Python-style license? (Please reply to
me privately, because this is obviously off-topic for the XML-SIG list.)
> And some people think that anything with a GPL in it is viral...
Is the DOM library separated well enough from the rest then? :-)
Markus B Fleck - University of Bonn - CS Department IV - fleck@isoc.de
UNIX Administrator - comp.lang.python.announce Moderator
PINN Open Source Internet Groupware Project - http://cscw.net/pinn/