I've uploaded a specially-built Linux (RHEL 6.5 and 6.6) wheel of numpy to
a local devpi install. It uses openblas instead of atlas, and is partially
statically linked to reduce the number of rpm's we need to install (static
linking was not my decision). Also, this wheel works with our local
CPython 2.7 installs; our old Linuxes come with CPython 2.5, so we can't
just use yum on the Linux side.
Things seem good on the Linux side.
But although we have our production and pre-production environments on
Linux, we do our development and initial testing on OS/X systems. That's
perhaps a little odd, but it mostly works. Both have CPython
2.7.something, so they're mostly close for our purposes.
Anyway, on the OS/X side, we can no longer install the pypi version of
numpy on OS/X without first unsetting our PIP_TRUSTED_HOST
and PIP_INDEX_URL variables.
Is this business as usual?
I didn't upload an OS/X binary. It seems the Linux binary is making devpi
give up on obtaining an OS/X binary before trying pypi.