Hi All,
I am trying to interface with C# dlls from python. I am using Python.net
2.0 version. Please find the problem description:
import Master.Child as ChildClass
ChildClass.Currclass(structVal, enumval) ---Step 1
ChildClass.Currclass(2,3) ---Step 2
C# code (which gives X.dll)
namespace Master.Child
enum enumval
class Currclass{
Currclass(Stream X, enumval enum) .-.-…
[View More]Constructor 1
Currclass(int x, int y)
.-.-Constructor 2
When i try to create an instance using the custom types (ie Setp1), the
C# constructor : Constructor2 is executed and while executing the Step2
also the Constructor 2 is called.
I am not sure, why Constructor 1 is not called. Is it because it uses
the custom arguments types ?
Any inputs to call Constructor1 is welcome.
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Hello all,
I have two questions:
1) are there examples of embedding python in vb .NET
I'm trying to figure out how I can use the Python.Runtime.dll form VB.NET. I added it as a reference and imported using:
Imports Python.Runtime
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim a As String
PythonEngine.RunString("5+7" & vbCrLf)
' how can I get the result of that easy string?
End Sub
End Module
Many Thx,
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i am trying to pass a dictinoary from python to C#. i am using python25
with python.NET 2.0 alpha 2 files(python.Runtime.dll, clr.pyd). When i
try to initiate function , i get an error saying
"TypeError: No method matches given arguments". Could someone confirm
me, if this is supported?
params = {"one": "1","two":"2"}
ret = Hello_Dict(params)
C# file:
int Hello_Dict(Dictionary<String,String> params_=
return 1;
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transmission is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized interception of this
transmission is illegal under law. If you have received this transmission in
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I'm trying to access a custom .NET Assembly with Python .NET, but can't
get it to recognise the Assembly name space. IronPython works fine in
the code below. Any clues? I'm using the Python .NET build from here:
import sys
GLOBAL_IRONPython = "Iron" in sys.version
# Need full path (or could add the path to sys.path)
FDO_DLL_PATH = "c:\\program files\\sil\\fieldworks\\FDO.dll"
import clr
if …
[View More]GLOBAL_IRONPython:
print "IRON Python Startup"
# Python .NET
print "Python .NET Startup"
from System.Reflection import Assembly
fdo = Assembly.LoadFile(FDO_DLL_PATH)
# This is failing in Python .NET -- "No module named
from SIL.FieldWorks.FDO import FdoCache
db = FdoCache.Create("DB-name")
print db.ServerName, db.DatabaseName
I've also tried clr.AddReference("SIL.FieldWorks.FDO"), but that reports
"Unable to find assembly 'SIL.Fieldworks.FDO'."
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