Attendees: Victor, Mark, Felix, Benoit
Review last week's action items:
everyone should look into the finalizer issues if they can
PythonException finalizer update
finalizer issues?
not sure what this is referencing, Victor will talk to Benedikt
PythonException finalizer update blocked due to failure on 3.6
Benedikt gave Felix pointers he needed to get unblocked
Victor posted a pull that potentially fixes - this PR #1426 <>
[View More]Victor has a bunch of breaking changes he wants to potentially land for 3.0
feature: ability to add mix-ins to .NET types with Python
solves multiple issues with dictionary conversions
avoids having to create a proxy class in C# that doesn't behave like a C# dictionary
allows you to create a class that works as a dictionary in both Python and C#
fairly mature, possibly can land before 3.0
feature: change overload resolution to whatever dynamic does in C#
solves problem where overloads behave in a surprising way
barely a proof-of-concept (not even tested/validated/etc)
feature: ability to change base class
Victor has many open PRs <>
please review
Have we tested on Apple Silicon
Benoit can test
Travis? do we have automated testing on Mac? we do, AMD64 only
we don't have a good debugger for 64-bit ARM
Unity will need Apple Silicon support by November to make our Python package officially supported
potentially lots of work
Native code page still there?
no, got removed
Action Items:
Victor to make a list of breaking changes in his branch that could land for 3.0 and discuss with Benedikt
Felix to review #1426 <>
Victor to update Improve Python <-> .NET exception integration <>
Victor to update <> and check with Benedikt that it's still good to land for 3.0
Benoit to test on Apple Silicon & derisk
The meeting notes google doc is here <…>. Feel free to correct or add additional information.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 22 at 12pm EST (click for your time zone) <>.
Mark Visser
Senior Dev Manager, M&E
Unity Technologies - <>
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Hi everyone,
I'm thrilled to announce that Python for Unity has been updated to support the latest Python for .NET! This update brings Python 3.7 support and the ability to use native Python modules. Well, technically you could use them before; the difference is that now Unity won't crash on domain reload if you do. :-)
You can find more details in the official announcement <…>.
I'm cross-posting here because …
[View More]this release would not have been possible without the joint efforts of Unity, Imaginary Spaces and the Python for .NET developers. Thank you Amos, Felix, Victor, Benedikt, and Benoit!
Mark Visser
Senior Dev Manager, M&E
Unity Technologies - <>
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