Attendees: Victor, Benedikt, Mark
Review previous action items:
Victor will continue working on PRs for breaking changes that could land for 3.0
Amos will continue working on porting performance improvements to master
"We'll try to come up with a concrete roadmap for the 3.0 release in one of the next biweekly meetings."
Python 3.9 on the mailing list
Github Discussions feature <> …
[View More]blocked by issue #1412 <>
Release candidate for 3.0
next step is a preview build
need to groom 3.0 milestone
need to decide on breaking API changes for 3.0 - last chance to break API
python wheel build needs to be fixed
can't run 32-bit in CI because dotnet clr doesn't support 32-bit
Unity does not support 32 bit
would be nice if we can run ARM in CI
Python 3.9 is not supported on 2.5 branch
if anyone wants to work on this they are welcome to do so (on 2.5 branch) but we have no plans to support on 2.5
we know it crashes, non-trivial to debug
support will come in 3.0 (master branch)
Github Discussions
let's wait and see
Action Items:
Victor will go through issues to select ones for 3.0
Victor will work on memory leaks
Benedikt will look into running 32 bit builds in CI
Mention we do not officially support 32 bit yet
The meeting notes google doc is here <…>. Feel free to correct or add additional information.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 30 at 2pm EST (click for your time zone) <>.
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