Hi Tony,
I'm not going to SciPy 2013, but I've agreed to give a 1h30-long tutorial
on image processing with scikit-image at Euroscipy 2013 (August 21-24).
I'd happy to share course materials if you're interested.
I copy below the abstract I've given to the organizers.
Image processing with scikit-image and the SciPy stack
Numerical image processing involves the manipulation and transformation
of images, often in order to extract information of interest from the
images. NumPy nd-arrays provide an efficient container for image data,
that can therefore be processed using the SciPy toolstack.
In this tutorial, we will first briefly see how simple operations on
images (e.g. cropping, framing) can be performed using NumPy. More
complex image processing operations will be handled principally by the
scikit-image module (occasionally by the ndimage submodule of
SciPy). Compared to other image processing modules for Python,
scikit-image is designed to work transparently with numpy nd-arrays, and
is written in pure Python and some Cython in order to promote readability
and maintainability.
The different subtopics of this tutorial include:
* input and output of images (file formats...)
* image enhancing / denoising
* image segmentation (separating an image in labeled regions)
* extraction of geometrical features (edges, lines, spheres, skeleton...)
* extraction of features for image classification
This tutorial will consist mostly of hands-on examples; no mathematical
justification of the algorithms will be given during the tutorial.
Besides the main image processing tasks, the tutorial will demonstrate
how NumPy advanced features (masks, broadcasting, manipulation of
subsets of indices) and scikit-image utilities functions make image
processing easier. The tutorial will also address the visualization of
image processing results (contours, etc.).
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 09:06:04PM -0500, Tony Yu wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has plans to submit a [1]tutorial proposal for
> SciPy 2013. The proposal is due on Monday (Apr. 1st). It'd be great to
> have scikit-image represented there; especially since medical imaging is
> one of the mini-symposia topics.
> If no one else is able, I'll probably submit something, but I have a
> feeling that many of you have more (i.e. any) experience teaching image
> processing than I do.
> Cheers,
> -Tony