Over on another mailing list, we've hit a big problem trying to work
out coverage on a large amount of Cython code.
As y'all probably know, there's no automated way of checking code
coverage on Cython code at the moment.
The Cython developers have done some work on this [1] but it is
currently stalled for lack of developer time to work on it.
We'd really like to get this working, and the Cython developers have
offered to help, to get this started.
Can anyone help us out by a) joining an interactive discussion for 15
minutes or so with the Cython developers to get us started b) helping
with a short burst of coding that will follow, we estimate a few days.
I think this is something many of us need, and it would also be a
thank you to the Cython team for their work, which we all use so much.
[1] http://trac.cython.org/cython_trac/ticket/815
I am working on a pipeline to process microscopy images. Each image is a
stack of tiff planes and I would like to run deconvolution on the stack
however I don't have the information about the psf. So far I have been
using the matlab function deconvblind
I digged into the scikit-image restoration.modules and the one described
works fine but all require the psf. The description of the deconvblind in
matlab says
*The algorithm maximizes the likelihood that the resulting image, when
convolved with the resulting PSF, is an instance of the blurred image,
assuming Poisson noise statistics.*
Is there a way I can implement this algorithm in python then estimate the
psf and use one of the restoration.modules provided by scikit-image?