> Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 15:55:24 -0600 (MDT)
> From: Travis Oliphant <oliphant(a)ee.byu.edu>
> To: <scipy-dev(a)scipy.org>
> Subject: [SciPy-dev] Spline module
> I'm not necessarily opposed to a separate splines module. But, splines do
> get used in a number of different ways --- and the algorithms used in each
> domain do tend to differ.
> Perhaps your spline code would be better in a finite-element package,
> rather than a spline module.
> Love to have more help with scipy...
> I don't mind f77 code (but then again I haven't dealt with the Windows
> headaches as much as eric :-) ).
> -Travis
I base my code on some general B-spline code (written in F77) from the
SLATEC library in Netlib. I only use less than a half dozen functions
from the library, but it does include:
BINT4 - interpolates with splines of order 4
BINTK - interpolates with splines of order k
BSQAD - integrates the B-representation on subintervals
PPQAD - integrates the PP-representation
BFQAD - integrates the product of a function F and any spline
derivative in the B-representation
PFQAD - integrates the product of a function F and any spline
derivative in the PP-representation
BVALU - evaluates the B-representation or a derivative
PPVAL - evaluates the PP-representation or a derivative
INTRV - gets the largest index of the knot to the left of x
BSPPP - converts from B- to PP-representation
BSPVD - computes nonzero basis functions and derivatives at x
BSPDR - sets up difference array for BSPEV
BSPEV - evaluates the B-representation and derivatives
BSPVN - called by BSPEV, BSPVD, BSPPP and BINTK for function and
derivative evaluations
where PP-representation is piecewise polynomial representation, and
B-representation is B-spline representation. These are the basic
functions the spline toolbox are based off of. From BSPVD one can
get the tensor product B-spline form, which is what I do. There are
some other routines in
Carl de Boor, A Practical Guide to Splines, Applied
Mathematics Series 27, Springer-Verlag, New York,
for solving ODEs through co-location. The way I see things is that
we can create a base spline module that includes the above functions
(save BINT4 and BINTK) and have separate modules for:
interpolation, solving ODEs through co-location, and my FEM code (possibly).
Thoughts ?