[Mailman-Users] Comments

Jonathan Bradshaw jonathan-ezmlm at NrgUp.Com
Fri Jan 8 05:53:04 CET 1999

After looking at mailman to manage my mailing lists I have decided it will
work for most things very well.

I have some comments tho.

Digests: I'd like to be able to set the next issue and volume number from the
admin page. I know you can do this from inside python (and thats what I did)
but it would be good to allow this to be changed elsewhere.

Archiving: Although I'm sure pipermail is nice, MHonArc is nicer (IMHO)
and it would be nice to be able to configure a seperate archiving program
through the admin tool. You would need to set the command to run (which
would have the message on STDIN) and the location of the output archive.
The primary advantage to MHonArc is configurability of the output format and
the ability to handle various MIME types in a reasonable way. Of course, it is
slow :-(

Chained Lists: I have some sub-lists that I don't want people to be able to
subscribe to unless they also subscribe to the master list. Eg: If they
unsubscribe from the master list, it should remove them from the other lists.
Any ideas?


 Jonathan Bradshaw (Jonathan at NrgUp.Com) | Novell 4.x CNE | Ham Callsign N9OXE
          "...I'm not one of those who think Bill Gates is the devil.
         I simply suspect that if Microsoft ever met up with the devil,
              it wouldn't need an interpreter."  -- Nick Petreley

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