[Mailman-Users] Sugestions

Dave Sill ds-list-mailman at sws5.ctd.ornl.gov
Wed Mar 17 18:17:05 CET 1999

bruce at hams.com wrote:
>From: Dave Sill <ds-list-mailman at sws5.ctd.ornl.gov>
>> I sort my busiest, most important lists in order of
>> average delivery time.
>MTA should keep track of this information, by MX host. Where are you getting
>it, from a log file?

The qmailanalog package processes qmail log files and produces various 
statistics. It does delivery time by recipient, though, not by MX.

Here's a sample:


One line per recipient. Information on each line:
* sbytes is the number of bytes successfully delivered to this recipient.
* mess is the number of messages sent to this recipient (success plus failure).
* tries is the number of delivery attempts (success, failure, deferral).
* xdelay is the total xdelay incurred by this recipient.

  sbytes  mess  tries    xdelay  recipient
   25849    30     30     18.03  local.alpha-osf-managers-approval at sws1.ctd.ornl.gov
  197935    74     74    385.09  local.alpha-osf-managers-decbounce at sws1.ctd.ornl.gov
  698068   162    162     71.37  local.alpha-osf-managers-owner- at sws1.ctd.ornl.gov
  197935    74     74    890.78  remote.BISSxx at AESIR.MIT.EDU
  197935    74     74   1901.97  remote.BIVIxx at nebeng.otis.utc.com
  197935    74     74    968.25  remote.Bxx at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
  197935    74     74   1162.04  remote.BOICHxx at OSMIUM.llnl.gov
  197935    74     74   1044.84  remote.BOLSxx at frango.hs.washington.edu
  197935    74     74    901.39  remote.BRIAxx at tiger.hsc.edu
    3859     1      1      7.86  remote.BRYAN.SKOKxx at em.doe.gov
  197935    74     74    457.39  remote.Bxx at novo.dk
  197935    74     76   1161.35  remote.B_Oxx at VENUS.TWU.EDU

And an example of why MX isn't granular enough:

  197935    74     74   1071.19  remote.elynxx at MIT.EDU
  197935    74     74    301.06  remote.gyouxx at MIT.EDU


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