March 1999 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Mar 1 00:48:35 CET 1999
Ending: Wed Mar 31 23:39:08 CEST 1999
Messages: 344
- [Mailman-Users] Just installed 1.0b10 and have problem with call to non-function
Rupa Schomaker (list)
- [Mailman-Users] Just installed 1.0b10 and have problem with call to non-function
Rupa Schomaker (list)
- [Mailman-Users] Just installed 1.0b10 and have problem with call to non-function
Rupa Schomaker (list)
- [Mailman-Users] mailman, postifx, and bsdos3
George M. Ellenburg (Mailing List Account)
- [Mailman-Users] mailman, postifx, and bsdos3
George M. Ellenburg (Mailing List Account)
- [Mailman-Users] unknown mailer error
- [Mailman-Users] Changed port, but not all scripts use the new address
Ben Armstrong
- [Mailman-Users] Changed port, but not all scripts use the new address
Ben Armstrong
- [Mailman-Users] Anyone ever had a list disapear?
Chris Barnett
- [Mailman-Users] Posting filter problems?
Paul Barnett
- [Mailman-Users] Mass subscription of users -- random password?
Paul Barnett
- [Mailman-Users] List adminstration and moderation
Paul Barnett
- [Mailman-Users] How does Mailman use identd?
Paul Barnett
- [Mailman-Users] How does Mailman use identd?
Paul Barnett
- [Mailman-Users] Re: List administration and moderation
Paul Barnett
- [Mailman-Users] Debian package [was: Please help]
Douglas Bates
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
John W Baxter
- [Mailman-Users] Proxy Problems and Wish List !
Randy Belk
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Sylvain Bolduc
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Sylvain Bolduc
- [Mailman-Users] newbee question.
Bos, P.G.J. - SPLXM
- [Mailman-Users] newbee question.
Bos, P.G.J. - SPLXM
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Jonathan Bradshaw
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Andy Carpenter
- [Mailman-Users] newbee question.
Andy Carpenter
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman+Sendmail/smtpfeed
Edgard Castro
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
Edgard Castro
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
Edgard Castro
- [Mailman-Users] Use "From" not "Sender"
Edgard Castro
- [Mailman-Users] Long Email Addressess
John-David Childs
- [Mailman-Users] TypeError: read-only buffer ...
Joseph Chin
- [Mailman-Users] mailman password
Matt Chipman
- [Mailman-Users] copy and paste
Matt Chipman
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman customizations...
Greg Connor
- [Mailman-Users] Making two "connected" lists
Greg Connor
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Making two "connected" lists
Greg Connor
- [Mailman-Users] More on linking two lists
Greg Connor
- [Mailman-Users] "Admin only" archives?
Greg Connor
- [Mailman-Users] "Admin only" archives?
Greg Connor
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
Dan Delaney
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
Dan Delaney
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
Dan Delaney
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
Dan Delaney
- [Mailman-Users] How about this for the error message?
Dan Delaney
- [Mailman-Users] How about this for the error message?
Dan Delaney
- [Mailman-Users] Preventing attachments
Dan Delaney
- [Mailman-Users] Non-web interface?
Steve Dinn
- [Mailman-Users] Inlining MIME attachments on Mailman web archives
Michael Alan Dorman
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
Roger Pe?a Escobio
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
Roger Pe?a Escobio
- [Mailman-Users] no mail
Roger Pe?a Escobio
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-requestaddress.
Roger Pe?a Escobio
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Roger Pe?a Escobio
- [Mailman-Users] help setting up mailman
Roger Peña Escobio
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-requestaddress.
Roger Peña Escobio
- [Mailman-Users] patch to fix the alias-wrapper.c
Roger Peña Escobio
- [Mailman-Users] Held for Implicit Destination
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Held for Implicit Destination
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Held for Implicit Destination
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Held for Implicit Destination
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Extra Validation? Was: Held for Implicit Destination
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Sendmail virtual hosting
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Sendmail virtual hosting
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Use "From" not "Sender"
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] User limit?
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Public advertisment of lists...
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] :) [Mailman-Users] Public advertisment of lists...
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Errors with > 1000 members.
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] [Fwd: Re: [JOS] New Working Mail Lists...]
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Posting filters not working/Passwords
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Persistent Error (b10 and b9)
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Preventing attachments
Clark Evans
- [Mailman-Users] Can't access /mailman or /pipermail
Ray Everett-Church
- [Mailman-Users] Can't access /mailman or /pipermail
Ray Everett-Church
- [Mailman-Users] archive addresses not disguised
Ray Everett-Church
- [Mailman-Users] Passing archives files.
Tomas Fasth
- [Mailman-Users] How about this for the error message?
Tomas Fasth
- [Mailman-Users] newbee question.
Tomas Fasth
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
Tomas Fasth
- [Mailman-Users] Installation Woes...
Grant Fengstad
- [Mailman-Users] Problem with Netscape's Fasttrack ?
Werner Frank
- [Mailman-Users] change in for Solaris 2.5.1 and Netscape Fasttrack 2.1 Server
Werner Frank
- [Mailman-Users] mailman in an Intranet
Werner Frank
- [Mailman-Users] more problems with Solaris/Fasttrack
Werner Frank
- [Mailman-Users] Cookies and Mailman
B. Friday
- [Mailman-Users] List config.db
B. Friday
- [Mailman-Users] Inlining MIME attachments on Mailman web archives
Ben Gertzfield
- [Mailman-Users] Inlining MIME attachments on Mailman web archives
Ben Gertzfield
- [Mailman-Users] Ignoring administrative requests from certain addresses
Ben Gertzfield
- [Mailman-Users] help setting up mailman
Boris Goldowsky
- [Mailman-Users] help setting up mailman
Boris Goldowsky
- [Mailman-Users] number of bounces
Boris Goldowsky
- [Mailman-Users] Importing archives
Grace, Terry
- [Mailman-Users] Importing into archives
Terry Grace
- [Mailman-Users] Bouncing Problem
Terry Grace
- [Mailman-Users] 1.0b9/b10 bug
Terry Grace
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Jeff Hahn
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Jeff Hahn
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
Darren Henderson
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
Darren Henderson
- [Mailman-Users] Problem
Philip Hines
- [Mailman-Users] Problem with "bin/newlist"
Tor Houghton
- [Mailman-Users] "No module named pythonlib"
Tor Houghton
- [Mailman-Users] mailman-archive bug?
Tor Houghton
- [Mailman-Users] newlist traceback
Tor Houghton
- [Mailman-Users] mailman, postifx, and bsdos3
Tor Houghton
- [Mailman-Users] Converting existing archives
Doug Hughes
- [Mailman-Users] Addresses not being held
John C. Broman, Jr.
- [Mailman-Users] Posting filters not working/Passwords
John C. Broman, Jr.
- [Mailman-Users] Posting filters not working/Passwords
John C. Broman, Jr.
- [Mailman-Users] Passing archives files.
- [Mailman-Users] Aliases not working
- [Mailman-Users] Small bugfix against mailman-1.0b9
Kadlecsik Jozsi
- [Mailman-Users] issues with BSD/OS 4.0 and mailman 1.0b8
Vivek Khera
- [Mailman-Users] notes on my first big list message delivery
Vivek Khera
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Vivek Khera
- [Mailman-Users] GUI misfeature with textarea boxes
Vivek Khera
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Vivek Khera
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Vivek Khera
- [Mailman-Users] issues with BSD/OS 4.0 and mailman 1.0b8
Vivek Khera
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Vivek Khera
- [Mailman-Users] inserting mbox files?
Corbett J. Klempay
- [Mailman-Users] inserting mbox files?
Corbett J. Klempay
- [Mailman-Users] mailman and roxen challenger
Matthias Klose
- [Mailman-Users] I seek engineering judgment.
Cameron Laird
- [Mailman-Users] I seek engineering judgment.
Cameron Laird
- [Mailman-Users] Please help
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Does anyone else see these?
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Error Message - Crontab
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] SMTP error handling? Something that should be in the FAQ...
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] How does Mailman use identd?
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] How does Mailman use identd?
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] BUG REPORT: Quoted addresses munged (and request)
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Possible Fix for password lookup bug
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Possible Fix for password
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Does anyone else see these?
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Cookies and Mailman
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Posting filter problems?
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Aliases not working
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] I seek engineering judgment.
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] List config.db
Christopher Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] 1.0b9: mbox archive works, pipermail doesn't
Gergely Madarasz
- [Mailman-Users] Can't access /mailman or /pipermail
Gergely Madarasz
- [Mailman-Users] Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Making two "connected" lists
Ken Manheimer
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman questions (moderation capabilities, m ostly)
Ken Manheimer
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Possible Fix for password lookup bug
Edward S. Marshall
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
Edward S. Marshall
- [Mailman-Users] List config.db
Edward S. Marshall
- [Mailman-Users] Permissions Problems Subscribing Users
Terrence Martin
- [Mailman-Users] 1.0b9: mbox archive works, pipermail doesn't
Gordon Matzigkeit
- [Mailman-Users] 1.0b9: mbox archive works, pipermail doesn't
Gordon Matzigkeit
- [Mailman-Users] Footer Info.
David Sean McNicholl
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9
Harald Meland
- [Mailman-Users] Change e-mail address?
Harald Meland
- [Mailman-Users] Question on add_members routine
Harald Meland
- [Mailman-Users] Re: wishlist (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9)
John Morton
- [Mailman-Users] Re: wishlist (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9)
John Morton
- [Mailman-Users] Who's collecting bounce messages?
John Morton
- [Mailman-Users] Sendmail virtual hosting
John Morton
- [Mailman-Users] Qmail users, never create another alias for Mailman lists!
Balazs Nagy
- [Mailman-Users] question
Alan Neiman
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Alan Neiman
- [Mailman-Users] new lists
Alan Neiman
- [Mailman-Users] changing defaults
Alan Neiman
- [Mailman-Users] Problems accessing /admin on the web interface
Thomas Niedermeier
- [Mailman-Users] inserting mbox files?
Robert Novak
- [Mailman-Users] [Q]: Problem with trying to create first mailing-list
Sean O'Neill
- [Mailman-Users] How does Mailman use identd?
Christopher Petrilli
- [Mailman-Users] How about this for the error message?
Christopher Petrilli
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
Christopher Petrilli
- [Mailman-Users] Long Email Addressess
Christopher G. Petrilli
- [Mailman-Users] Cron <mailman at hodag> /usr/bin/python /home/m/mailman/cron/gate_news (fwd) (fwd)
Steve Phillips
- [Mailman-Users] Changed port, but not all scripts use the new address
Martin Preishuber
- [Mailman-Users] Pipermail
Richard B. Pyne
- [Mailman-Users] Case sensitivity and subscriber restrictions
Richard B. Pyne
- [Mailman-Users] Address Format
Richard B. Pyne
- [Mailman-Users] Posting filters not working/Passwords
Richard B. Pyne
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Richard B. Pyne
- [Mailman-Users] Small bugfix against mailman-1.0b9
Richard B. Pyne
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman questions (moderation capabilities, mostly)
- [Mailman-Users] Format of database?
John Reekie
- [Mailman-Users] Weird Configuration Error
John Rizzo
- [Mailman-Users] Re: inserting mbox files?
David Rocher
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Text mode reporting tool, on number of users in a list
David Rocher
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Please help
David Rocher
- [Mailman-Users] mailman, postifx, and bsdos3
Guido van Rossum
- [Mailman-Users] Missing Password
Brian Ryner
- [Mailman-Users] BUG REPORT: password lookup
Brian Ryner
- [Mailman-Users] Possible Fix for password lookup bug
Brian Ryner
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Possible Fix for password lookup bug lookup bug
Brian Ryner
- [Mailman-Users] nomail setting not always working
Brian Ryner
- [Mailman-Users] Re: wishlist (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9)
Aaron Schrab
- [Mailman-Users] My Web interface cant run !!
Sanjay Shukla
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
Dave Sill
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
Dave Sill
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
Dave Sill
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
Dave Sill
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
Dave Sill
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
Dave Sill
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
Dave Sill
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Dave Sill
- [Mailman-Users] [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9
Per Starback
- [Mailman-Users] Re: wishlist (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9)
Per Starback
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Mailman for UNIX
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman customizations...
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman customizations...
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] mailman password
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman customizations...
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Re: wishlist (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9)
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Text mode reporting tool, on number of users in a list
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] question
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] HOGtalk
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] "Admin only" archives?
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] "Admin only" archives?
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman questions (moderation capabilities, mostly)
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman questions (moderation capabilities, mostly)
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] List config.db
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] changing defaults
Greg Stein
- [Mailman-Users] wrapper error
Nathan Stratton
- [Mailman-Users] Inlining MIME attachments on Mailman web archives
James Strickland
- [Mailman-Users] mailman, postifx, and bsdos3
Viktor Szathmary
- [Mailman-Users] Text mode reporting tool, on number of users in a list
Rob Thomson
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Christian Tismer
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not
Christian Tismer
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Christian Tismer
- [Mailman-Users] help
Jose Travieso
- [Mailman-Users] Feature questions.
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] Site configurable server messages. (was Sending a human message...)
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] How about this for the error message?
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
The List Server Administrator at UNH
- [Mailman-Users] make update
Joshua Udall
- [Mailman-Users] Anyone ever had a list disapear?
John Viega
- [Mailman-Users] Held for Implicit Destination
John Viega
- [Mailman-Users] Anyone ever had a list disapear?
John Viega
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
John Viega
- [Mailman-Users] Pipermail
Jeff Wallace
- [Mailman-Users] New Bie
Dr. Yongge Wang
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Mailman for UNIX
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Possible Fix for password lookup bug
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Possible Fix for password lookup bug
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not working?)
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] issues with BSD/OS 4.0 and mailman 1.0b8
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Missing Password
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Possible Fix for password
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] posting restrictions still confusing to me (or not
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] 1.0b9 trouble
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Error Message - Crontab
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] 1.0b9: mbox archive works, pipermail doesn't
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Changed port, but not all scripts use the new address
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Anyone ever had a list disapear?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Jitterbug for Mailman
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] private archiving problems
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Mass subscription of users -- random password?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] No passwords for members?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Pipermail
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Thanks -
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] New Mailing List
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] How about this for the error message?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] How about this for the error message?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] How about this for the error message?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] How about this for the error message?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Posting filters not working/Passwords
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Posting filters not working/Passwords
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] I seek engineering judgment.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Small bugfix against mailman-1.0b9
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Small bugfix against mailman-1.0b9
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b10
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Mailman 1.0b10
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Format of database?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Persistent Error (b10 and b9)
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] 1.0b10
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] mailman, postifx, and bsdos3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Just installed 1.0b10 and have problem with call to non-function
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Just installed 1.0b10 and have problem with call to non-function
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] List config.db
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] A feature for b10?
Jason Wellman
- [Mailman-Users] 1.0b9 trouble
Arjen Wolfs
- [Mailman-Users] Typo in
Michael Yount
- [Mailman-Users] copy and paste
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] replacing http:// to --> https:// (ssl)
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] Error Message - Crontab
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] Error Message - Crontab
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] Error Message - Crontab
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] Can't access /mailman or /pipermail
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] make update
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] HOGtalk
HPtopgun at
- [Mailman-Users] National fonts and letters
Janos.Zana at
- [Mailman-Users] installation problem
nbecker at
- [Mailman-Users] Qmail users, never create another alias for Mailman lists!
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Qmail users, never create another alias for Mailman lists!
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Large lists and Postfix
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Sugestions
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Sending a human message to the LISTNAME-request address.
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Permissions Problems Subscribing Users
twm139 at
- [Mailman-Users] Does anyone else see these?
- [Mailman-Users] How about a faq item...
- [Mailman-Users] upgrade attempt - error message
- [Mailman-Users] no mail
- [Mailman-Users] Thanks -
- [Mailman-Users] RFC for List Message Header Fields
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 1.0b9, password requirement.
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] I seek engineering judgment.
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] I seek engineering judgment.
bruce at
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman customizations...
jwm at
- [Mailman-Users] [ANNOUNCE] Mailman 1.0b9
bwarsaw at
Last message date:
Wed Mar 31 23:39:08 CEST 1999
Archived on: Sun Nov 19 10:40:41 CET 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).