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Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Fri May 17 23:43:49 CEST 2002

>>>>> "F" == Fuzzy  <fuzzy at pooh.ASARian.org> writes:

    F> it would be nice if there was a way to set an option to
    F> "assume" reject as a default for posts to closed lists
    F> from non-members without also throwing out subscription
    F> requests. Perhaps something in the future for 2.1?

Sometimes I like to take Guido's time machine out for a spin.  It can
be dangerous[*] but in this case I used it to add this feature to
MM2.1.  Take a look, it's already there!


[*] Once, when I inadvertently flipped the glowing lever below my left
knee before I toggled the tongue switch, I stepped out into a world
filled with sentient marmosets carrying cell phones, screaming one
word over and over again into them: Malkovich!

Fortunately Guido's time machine has a big red "UNDO" button.

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