[Mailman-Users] Multiple subscription requests and reminders

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Mon Jun 27 04:01:32 CEST 2005

Bruno Ferreira wrote:
>>>          The problem I'm having is that subscription confirmation 
>>> e-mails arrive in duplicate or quadruplicate (!!!!). Plus, 
>>> subscription  reminders come in even larger quantities. The 
>>> "subscribe" log shows  apparently independent subscription requests, 
>>> so I'm kinda stumped on what's causing this.
>>     What exactly is in your MTA logs?  What is in your Mailman logs? 
>> Can you show us some examples of duplicate messages, with all the 
>> headers intact?
>    Mailman subscribe log (machine/email addresses changes to protect 
>the customer :):
>    ----
>    Jun 22 01:33:29 2005 (3305) mailinglist: pending 
>destination at server.com  destination at server.com
>    Jun 22 01:33:29 2005 (3305) mailinglist: pending 
>destination at server.com  destination at server.com
>    Jun 22 01:33:29 2005 (3305) mailinglist: pending 
>destination at server.com  destination at server.com
>    Jun 22 01:33:29 2005 (3305) mailinglist: pending 
>destination at server.com  destination at server.com

This indicates that Mailman processed the subscribe request 4 times.
Everything else you provided is consistent with this and thus adds
nothing more.

The question is why is Mailman processing the request 4 times. Is it a
bug in mailman or does mailman actually receive 4 requests?

Does the request arrive via the web interface (subscribe form on the
listinfo page) or via e-mail. If from the web, what do the web servers
logs say about how many 'post' transactions were processed? If via
mail, what do the incoming MTA logs say about how many messages were
piped to the wrapper?

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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