Hello all,
I hope you are all well.
I wanted to highlight two exciting papers that came out of the oven this
First, for those interested in Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI)
and microstructure, there is this paper by Henriques et al. that provides
detailed information about the DKI methods developed in DIPY.
Second, for those using DIPY to visualize their data, there is this paper
by Garyfallidis et al.
that …
[View More]explains FURY, the graphics engine that DIPY uses to perform its
Have in mind that FURY is a spinoff of DIPY that now runs its own course.
Happy to see the ecosystem growing.
Make sure you read the papers and of course cite the work.
Thank you all,
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Dear colleagues,
please allow me to draw your attention to a job posting for a postdoc position at St. Olav's University Hospital in Trondheim, Norway. We seek a highly motivated researcher with a strong background in MRI physics to contribute to the project: "Deep learning cancer diagnostics from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging". The deadline for applications is the 15th of August. Further details can be found via the ISMRM Career Center: https://www.ismrm.org/jobs/j07589.pdf…
[View More]Best regards,
Peter T. While, Ph.D.
Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
St. Olav's University Hospital
Trondheim, Norway
Email: Peter.Thomas.While(a)stolav.no<mailto:Peter.Thomas.While@stolav.no>
Tlf: +47 728 36627
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