Martin Panter added the comment:
I wouldn’t expect to see a message for stderr because there is nowhere else to send the message. However with my patch for Issue 5319, at least we get a non-zero exit status.
Brandon: I agree this should be under sys.stdin/out/err; I wasn’t saying to put it under the io.TextIOBase documentation. What I meant was one option would be to refer to that class as a duck-typing API. Say something like: “sys.stdout [etc] may be replaced with other objects, as long as they implement [the write-only parts, etc of] the TextIOBase API [optionally ‘buffer’ etc]”. Exact details to be determined.
Python tracker <report(a)>
New submission from Paul Marks:
Python's web servers were formerly reachable from IPv6 clients, as evidenced by this example code for socket.getaddrinfo():
But today, is IPv4-only:
>>> import socket
>>> socket.getaddrinfo("", 80, proto=socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
[(<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, <SocketType.SOCK_STREAM: 1>, 6, '', ('', 80))]
Please either restore IPv6 connectivity to, or accept the shame and defeat of pointing the documentation to someone else's domain.
assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 244625
nosy: Paul Marks, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: lost IPv6 connectivity
Python tracker <report(a)>
Brandon Milam added the comment:
I've been looking over the issue and the error is just raised by the stdout change not the stderr change (when the stdout line is commented out in the setAutoFlush function no error is raised). The flush method doesn't seem to be required as Serhiy pointed out since the script still is able to run. This is the cause for the error, however and I think that the required subset of methods for stdout objects to avoid errors could be clarified in the documentation. This documentation addition I think would be best under the sys.stdout info rather than under io.TextIOBase since the error can be raised without going through this class at all like in the original post.
I would like to add this documentation under sys.stdout as required subset of methods that must be defined and was wondering if there were any other methods than flush() that would need to be defined.
nosy: +jbmilam
Python tracker <report(a)>