I keep producing projection plots where the colorbar is completely devoid of ticks and ticklabels so I don’t actually know what sort of densities/temperatures etc I am looking at.
I have found this tutorial: http://yt-project.org/doc/cookbook/custom_colorbar_tickmarks.html?highlight… <http://yt-project.org/doc/cookbook/custom_colorbar_tickmarks.html?highlight…> but I’d rather just let the values be determined automatically. Currently I’m not even sure what order of magnitude I am looking at.
Is there a way to force yt to show a minimum number of tick marks on the colorbar? I have a feeling this questions has been answered before but the archive is still down apparently.
Thanks for your help,
Hi all,
I am trying to locally install yt on Blue Waters.
I did a module of swap to PrgEnv-gnu and then bash install_script.sh.
Has anyone run into this error before?