Barry has been making wonderful progress with Mailman 3.0 and has just
announced the second alpha release.
This may leave some of you wondering what's happening with the Mailman
2.x series, so this note is for all interested Mailman users,
developers and translators to give an idea of what to expect in
Mailman 2.x in the coming months.
Within the next few days, I plan to release Mailman 2.1.12rc1. This
release contains several minor bug fixes since 2.1.11 and is updated
for compatibility with …
[View More]Python 2.6. It will not work with Python older
than 2.4.
In the absence of "show stopping" bugs, the only changes between this
and the final 2.1.12 release will be translation updates. I expect to
release the final by the end of January.
After January, my focus will be on Mailman 2.2. This branch was
originally intended to be an overhaul of Mailman's GUI, but that work
is stalled and will be deferred to Mailman 2.3 or 3.0. The focus of
Mailman 2.2 will be ongoing maintenance of the 2.x series and several
small new features that have not been added in the 2.1 branch because
of i18n considerations.
I hope to be able to release a 2.2 beta before the end of March, 2009.
Mark Sapiro <mark(a)> The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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Hello Mailpersons,
I'm happy to announce the availability of GNU Mailman version 3.0
alpha 2, code name "Grand Designs".
Of course, this is still an alpha snapshot and not suitable for
production systems, however there is a lot of good functional stuff in
this release that is worthy of a look. Because this is still alpha
software, you can have a big influence on where the code goes from
here. I'm especially interested in feedback from …
[View More]integrators, and I
welcome your contribution.
Mailman 3.0 alpha 2 should be functional enough to create mailing
lists, connect them to your MTA, add and remove members, and send
email to those lists. Incoming mail integration is currently only
supported for Postfix via LMTP; contributions for other MTAs and
incoming mechanisms are welcome. The web interface is still not
functional, so for now you have to interact with Mailman via the
command line.
Please feel free to discuss Mailman 3 development on the mailman-
developers mailing list. You can submit branches and bugs to the
Launchpad bug tracker at
For detailed information on 3.0a2, please read docs/ALPHA.txt. This
file explains how to build Mailman and run the test suite. The docs/
NEWS.txt file contains high level descriptions of what's changed since
3.0a1. Most notably are the new configuration system, the better test
suite and installation process, and the new LMTP support. Mailman 3
also contains extensive doctests which explain how certain subsystems
Please note that Python 2.6 is required.
You can download the tarball either from the Cheeseshop or from
Launchpad. An egg is available on the Cheeseshop. See:
for details.
I hope you find this second snapshot useful and encouraging. Please
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)
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