I am trying to use a "parameter" field variable in interactive mode. What I
am trying to do is very similar to the thermo-elaticity example, but for
some reason I cannot make it work in interactive mode.
In the thermo-elasticity example the parameter field variable is defined as
def get_temperature_load(ts, coors, region=None):
""" Temperature load depends on the `x` coordinate. """
x = coors[:, 0]
return (x - x.min())**2 - T0
fields = {
'displacement': ('real', 3, 'Omega', 1),
'temperature': ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1),}
variables = {
'u' : ('unknown field', 'displacement', 0),
'v' : ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'),
'T' : ('parameter field', 'temperature',
{'setter' : 'get_temperature_load'}),}
equations = {
'balance_of_forces' :
"""dw_lin_elastic.2.Omega( solid.D, v, u ) - dw_biot.2.Omega( solid.alpha, v, T ) = 0""",}
In interactive mode this is what I am doing the following:
field_p = Field.from_args('fp', nm.float64, 1, omega,
press_load = Function('press_load',get_pressure_load)
press = FieldVariable('pressure','parameter',field_p,special={'setter'
And the corresponding term:
t20 = Term.new('dw_laplace(matalpha.k, q, press)',
integral, omega, matalpha=matalpha, q=q, press=press)
But this does not work.
Any thoughts?