I'm using Ubuntu 16.04, and used anaconda python 2.7 environment to run
sfepy. Only 2 errors from the testing.
96 test file(s) executed in 194.69 s, 2 failure(s) of 157 test(s)
They are:
+++ test_input: ok
warp violation -9.511205e-01 at (iel: 196, iqp: 0)!
warp violation -9.511205e-01 at (iel: 196, iqp: 1)!
warp violation -9.511205e-01 at (iel: 196, iqp: 2)!
warp violation -9.511205e-01 at (iel: 196, iqp: 3)!
+++ test_input: ok
UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 2.59e+12)
warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)
Below are the outputs using --raise argument:
Error 1:
(py27) fp@fp-Aspire-S7-392:~/sfepy$ python run_tests.py --raise
<<< directory: tests, test files: 1
<<< tests/test_input_balloon.py
sfepy: left over: ['verbose', '__builtins__', '_filename', '__file__',
'absolute_import', '__package__', 'TestInputEvolutionary', 'input_name',
'__doc__', '__name__', 'output_name_trunk']
sfepy: left over: ['verbose', 'radius', 'bbox', 'io', 'plot', 'conf_dir',
'eps', '_filename', 'dd']
>>> test instance prepared (1 test(s))
... solving ../examples/large_deformation/balloon.py...
sfepy: reading mesh [line2, tri3, quad4, tetra4, hexa8]
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: creating regions...
sfepy: Equator
sfepy: Ax2
sfepy: Ax1
sfepy: Omega
sfepy: Surface
sfepy: ...done in 0.02 s
sfepy: equation "volume":
sfepy: dw_tl_volume.2.Omega(q, u)
= dw_volume_dot.2.Omega(q, omega)
sfepy: equation "balance":
sfepy: dw_tl_he_neohook.2.Omega(solid.mu, v, u)
+ dw_tl_he_mooney_rivlin.2.Omega(solid.kappa, v, u)
+ dw_tl_membrane.2.Surface(walls.mu, walls.kappa, walls.h0,
v, u)
+ dw_tl_bulk_pressure.2.Omega(v, u, p)
= 0
sfepy: using solvers:
ts: ts
nls: newton
ls: ls
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 1.0
balloon: relative volume: 1.0
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: setting up dof connectivities...
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: matrix shape: (2190, 2190)
sfepy: assembling matrix graph...
sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s
sfepy: matrix structural nonzeros: 61342 (1.28e-02% fill)
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s
sfepy: ====== time 0.000000e+00 (step 1 of 31) =====
sfepy: initial residual: 0.000000e+00
sfepy: ====== time 2.000000e-01 (step 2 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 1.2
balloon: relative volume: 1.728
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.989629e+00 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.07 [s]
warp violation -9.511205e-01 at (iel: 196, iqp: 0)!
warp violation -9.511205e-01 at (iel: 196, iqp: 1)!
warp violation -9.511205e-01 at (iel: 196, iqp: 2)!
warp violation -9.511205e-01 at (iel: 196, iqp: 3)!
sfepy: rezidual computation failed for iter 1 (new ls: 1.000000e-01)!
sfepy: linesearch: iter 1, (7.12969e+02 < 2.98963e+02) (new ls:
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.773095e+02 (rel: 5.930820e+01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: linesearch: iter 2, (2.03446e+04 < 1.77310e+04) (new ls:
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 6.334498e+03 (rel: 2.118824e+03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.17 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.467307e+03 (rel: 4.907989e+02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 3.555474e+01 (rel: 1.189269e+01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 5, residual: 2.158173e-02 (rel: 7.218865e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 6, residual: 1.125505e-08 (rel: 3.764698e-09)
sfepy: ====== time 4.000000e-01 (step 3 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 1.4
balloon: relative volume: 2.744
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 4.172339e+00 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: linesearch: iter 1, (3.11750e+03 < 4.17234e+02) (new ls:
sfepy: linesearch: iter 1, (8.35338e+02 < 4.17234e+02) (new ls:
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 2.183632e+02 (rel: 5.233593e+01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 9.423703e+02 (rel: 2.258614e+02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.04 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 2.586064e+01 (rel: 6.198114e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 7.741878e-03 (rel: 1.855525e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 5, residual: 7.424806e-09 (rel: 1.779531e-09)
sfepy: ====== time 6.000000e-01 (step 4 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 1.6
balloon: relative volume: 4.096
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 5.552168e+00 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: linesearch: iter 1, (8.33815e+02 < 5.55217e+02) (new ls:
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 2.294984e+02 (rel: 4.133492e+01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 3.585060e+01 (rel: 6.457045e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 3.277026e-01 (rel: 5.902246e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 7.096759e-06 (rel: 1.278196e-06)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 5, residual: 3.994326e-11 (rel: 7.194173e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 8.000000e-01 (step 5 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 1.8
balloon: relative volume: 5.832
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 7.129115e+00 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.627275e+02 (rel: 2.282576e+01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 4.183702e+00 (rel: 5.868473e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.694376e-03 (rel: 2.376699e-04)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 1.514653e-10 (rel: 2.124602e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 1.000000e+00 (step 6 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 2.0
balloon: relative volume: 8.0
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 8.903180e+00 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 5.785172e+01 (rel: 6.497871e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 2.365731e+00 (rel: 2.657175e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 7.589606e-04 (rel: 8.524601e-05)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 7.011304e-11 (rel: 7.875055e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 1.200000e+00 (step 7 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 2.2
balloon: relative volume: 10.648
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.087436e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.322945e+02 (rel: 1.216572e+01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 3.543571e+00 (rel: 3.258647e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 7.185355e-04 (rel: 6.607609e-05)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 9.419265e-11 (rel: 8.661899e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 1.400000e+00 (step 8 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 2.4
balloon: relative volume: 13.824
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.304267e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.545690e+02 (rel: 1.185103e+01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 3.352185e+00 (rel: 2.570169e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 4.660778e-04 (rel: 3.573485e-05)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 1.106934e-10 (rel: 8.487019e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 1.600000e+00 (step 9 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 2.6
balloon: relative volume: 17.576
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.540809e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.570483e+02 (rel: 1.019259e+01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 2.864981e+00 (rel: 1.859401e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 2.835654e-04 (rel: 1.840367e-05)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 1.334972e-10 (rel: 8.664102e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 1.800000e+00 (step 10 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 2.8
balloon: relative volume: 21.952
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.797063e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.519640e+02 (rel: 8.456242e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.18 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 2.376629e+00 (rel: 1.322508e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.722282e-04 (rel: 9.583872e-06)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 1.470133e-10 (rel: 8.180757e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 2.000000e+00 (step 11 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 3.0
balloon: relative volume: 27.0
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.073028e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.442183e+02 (rel: 6.956890e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.958952e+00 (rel: 9.449710e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.063718e-04 (rel: 5.131226e-06)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 1.753168e-10 (rel: 8.457038e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 2.200000e+00 (step 12 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 3.2
balloon: relative volume: 32.768
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.368706e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.358415e+02 (rel: 5.734841e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.618941e+00 (rel: 6.834708e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 6.718124e-05 (rel: 2.836200e-06)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 2.203889e-10 (rel: 9.304191e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 2.400000e+00 (step 13 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 3.4
balloon: relative volume: 39.304
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.684095e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.276725e+02 (rel: 4.756632e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.346349e+00 (rel: 5.016025e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 4.343159e-05 (rel: 1.618109e-06)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 2.543402e-10 (rel: 9.475826e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 2.600000e+00 (step 14 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 3.6
balloon: relative volume: 46.656
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 3.019197e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.14 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.200364e+02 (rel: 3.975773e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.128196e+00 (rel: 3.736741e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.14 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 2.871927e-05 (rel: 9.512221e-07)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 2.985469e-10 (rel: 9.888290e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 2.800000e+00 (step 15 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 3.8
balloon: relative volume: 54.872
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 3.374010e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.130322e+02 (rel: 3.350086e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 9.528961e-01 (rel: 2.824224e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.939736e-05 (rel: 5.749054e-07)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.14 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 3.330908e-10 (rel: 9.872255e-12)
sfepy: ====== time 3.000000e+00 (step 16 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 4.0
balloon: relative volume: 64.0
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 3.748535e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.14 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.066605e+02 (rel: 2.845391e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 8.110922e-01 (rel: 2.163758e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.336057e-05 (rel: 3.564213e-07)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 3.924550e-10 (rel: 1.046956e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 3.200000e+00 (step 17 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 4.2
balloon: relative volume: 74.088
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 4.142771e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.008807e+02 (rel: 2.435102e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 6.954994e-01 (rel: 1.678826e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.14 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 9.369935e-06 (rel: 2.261755e-07)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 4.482640e-10 (rel: 1.082039e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 3.400000e+00 (step 18 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 4.4
balloon: relative volume: 85.184
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 4.556720e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 9.563824e+01 (rel: 2.098840e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 6.005207e-01 (rel: 1.317879e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 6.680887e-06 (rel: 1.466161e-07)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 4.665690e-10 (rel: 1.023914e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 3.600000e+00 (step 19 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 4.6
balloon: relative volume: 97.336
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 4.990380e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 9.087610e+01 (rel: 1.821026e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 5.218655e-01 (rel: 1.045743e-02)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 4.836477e-06 (rel: 9.691600e-08)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 5.150419e-10 (rel: 1.032069e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 3.800000e+00 (step 20 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 4.8
balloon: relative volume: 110.592
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 5.443753e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 8.654044e+01 (rel: 1.589720e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 4.562351e-01 (rel: 8.380893e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 3.550478e-06 (rel: 6.522114e-08)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 5.580281e-10 (rel: 1.025080e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 4.000000e+00 (step 21 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 5.0
balloon: relative volume: 125.0
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 5.916837e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 8.258248e+01 (rel: 1.395720e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 4.010789e-01 (rel: 6.778603e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 2.640172e-06 (rel: 4.462133e-08)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 6.463507e-10 (rel: 1.092392e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 4.200000e+00 (step 22 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 5.2
balloon: relative volume: 140.608
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 6.409633e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 7.895899e+01 (rel: 1.231880e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 3.544112e-01 (rel: 5.529352e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.986702e-06 (rel: 3.099556e-08)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 7.724913e-10 (rel: 1.205204e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 4.400000e+00 (step 23 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 5.4
balloon: relative volume: 157.464
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 6.922141e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 7.563211e+01 (rel: 1.092612e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 3.146746e-01 (rel: 4.545914e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.511487e-06 (rel: 2.183554e-08)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 8.915606e-10 (rel: 1.287984e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 4.600000e+00 (step 24 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 5.6
balloon: relative volume: 175.616
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 7.454360e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 7.256887e+01 (rel: 9.735090e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 2.806381e-01 (rel: 3.764750e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.14 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.161724e-06 (rel: 1.558448e-08)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 1.004080e-09 (rel: 1.346970e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 4.800000e+00 (step 25 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 5.8
balloon: relative volume: 195.112
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 8.006292e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 6.974060e+01 (rel: 8.710724e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 2.513213e-01 (rel: 3.139048e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 9.013813e-07 (rel: 1.125841e-08)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 1.129019e-09 (rel: 1.410165e-11)
sfepy: ====== time 5.000000e+00 (step 26 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 6.0
balloon: relative volume: 216.0
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 8.577935e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.03 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 6.712236e+01 (rel: 7.825002e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 2.259380e-01 (rel: 2.633944e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 7.055842e-07 (rel: 8.225571e-09)
sfepy: ====== time 5.200000e+00 (step 27 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 6.2
balloon: relative volume: 238.328
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 9.169290e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 6.469245e+01 (rel: 7.055339e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 2.038528e-01 (rel: 2.223212e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 5.568906e-07 (rel: 6.073432e-09)
sfepy: ====== time 5.400000e+00 (step 28 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 6.4
balloon: relative volume: 262.144
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 9.780357e+01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 6.243193e+01 (rel: 6.383400e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.845488e-01 (rel: 1.886933e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 4.428973e-07 (rel: 4.528437e-09)
sfepy: ====== time 5.600000e+00 (step 29 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 6.6
balloon: relative volume: 287.496
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.041114e+02 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 6.032425e+01 (rel: 5.794204e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.676032e-01 (rel: 1.609845e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 3.548631e-07 (rel: 3.408495e-09)
sfepy: ====== time 5.800000e+00 (step 30 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 6.8
balloon: relative volume: 314.432
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.106163e+02 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 5.835486e+01 (rel: 5.275432e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.526674e-01 (rel: 1.380153e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.16 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 2.862193e-07 (rel: 2.587497e-09)
sfepy: ====== time 6.000000e+00 (step 31 of 31) =====
sfepy: updating variables...
balloon: relative stretch: 7.0
balloon: relative volume: 343.0
sfepy: data of omega set by get_volume()
sfepy: ...done
sfepy: lcbc: pressure
sfepy: dofs: total 2190, free 1080, constrained 1110, new 1
sfepy: -> active 1081
sfepy: updating materials...
sfepy: solid
sfepy: walls
sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s
sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.173183e+02 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 5.651099e+01 (rel: 4.816895e-01)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.394528e-01 (rel: 1.188671e-03)
sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: solve: 0.02 [s]
sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s]
sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 2.323764e-07 (rel: 1.980734e-09)
... ../examples/large_deformation/balloon.py solved
+++ test_input: ok
>>> all passed in 24.77 s
1 test file(s) executed in 24.77 s, 0 failure(s) of 1 test(s)
Error #2:
(py27) fp@fp-Aspire-S7-392:~/sfepy$ python run_tests.py --raise
<<< directory: tests, test files: 1
<<< tests/test_input_linear_elastic_mM.py
sfepy: left over: ['verbose', '__builtins__', '_filename', '__file__',
'absolute_import', '__package__', 'TestInput', 'input_name', '__name__',
'output_name', '__doc__']
sfepy: left over: ['get_homog_coefs_linear', 'get_elements',
'__builtins__', 'get_homog', 'absolute_import', '__file__', '__doc__',
'__name__', 'verbose', 'data_dir', 'nm', 'recover_micro_hook',
'regenerate', '__package__', 'save_recovery_region', '_filename',
'post_process', 'os', 'micro_filename']
>>> test instance prepared (1 test(s))
... solving ../examples/homogenization/linear_elastic_mM.py...
macro: reading mesh [line2, tri3, quad4, tetra4, hexa8]
macro: ...done in 0.00 s
macro: creating regions...
macro: Right
macro: Omega
macro: Recovery
macro: Left
macro: ...done in 0.01 s
macro: equation "balance_of_forces":
macro: dw_lin_elastic.i.Omega( solid.D, v, u ) = 0
macro: using solvers:
ts: no ts
nls: newton
ls: ls
macro: updating variables...
macro: ...done
macro: setting up dof connectivities...
macro: ...done in 0.00 s
macro: matrix shape: (900, 900)
macro: assembling matrix graph...
macro: ...done in 0.01 s
macro: matrix structural nonzeros: 31842 (3.93e-02% fill)
macro: updating materials...
macro: solid
micro: reading mesh [line2, tri3, quad4, tetra4, hexa8]
micro: ...done in 0.01 s
micro: creating regions...
micro: Right
micro: Ym
micro: Bottom
micro: Far
micro: Corners
micro: Yc
micro: Near
micro: Y
micro: Top
micro: Left
micro: ...done in 0.04 s
micro: using solvers:
ts: no ts
nls: newton
ls: ls
micro: volume: total = 1.00
he: computing dependency pis...
he: ...done
he: computing dependency corrs_rs...
he: equation "pressure constraint":
he: - dw_stokes.i.Y( u, q )
- dw_volume_dot.i.Y( mat.gamma, q, p ) =
+ dw_stokes.i.Y( Pi, q )
he: equation "balance_of_forces":
he: dw_lin_elastic.i.Y( mat.D, v, u )
- dw_stokes.i.Y( v, p ) =
- dw_lin_elastic.i.Y( mat.D, v, Pi )
he: updating variables...
he: ...done
he: setting up dof connectivities...
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: matrix shape: (7805, 7805)
he: assembling matrix graph...
he: ...done in 0.09 s
he: matrix structural nonzeros: 568979 (9.34e-03% fill)
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.01 s
he: using solvers:
ts: no ts
nls: newton
ls: ls
he: linear problem, trying to presolve...
he: presolve: 0.84 [s]
he: ...done in 0.94 s
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.390871e+09 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
UmfpackWarning: (almost) singular matrix! (estimated cond. number: 2.59e+12)
warnings.warn(msg, UmfpackWarning)
he: rezidual: 0.04 [s]
he: solve: 0.03 [s]
he: matrix: 0.00 [s]
he: nls: iter: 1, residual: 5.206027e-06 (rel: 2.177461e-15)
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.536225e+09 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
he: rezidual: 0.04 [s]
he: solve: 0.10 [s]
he: matrix: 0.00 [s]
he: nls: iter: 1, residual: 3.921233e-06 (rel: 1.546091e-15)
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.535578e+09 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
he: rezidual: 0.06 [s]
he: solve: 0.10 [s]
he: matrix: 0.00 [s]
he: nls: iter: 1, residual: 3.905675e-06 (rel: 1.540349e-15)
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.536225e+09 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
he: rezidual: 0.04 [s]
he: solve: 0.10 [s]
he: matrix: 0.00 [s]
he: nls: iter: 1, residual: 3.584296e-06 (rel: 1.413241e-15)
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: nls: iter: 0, residual: 3.780588e+09 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
he: rezidual: 0.05 [s]
he: solve: 0.03 [s]
he: matrix: 0.00 [s]
he: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.796415e-05 (rel: 4.751682e-15)
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: nls: iter: 0, residual: 3.586306e+09 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
he: rezidual: 0.04 [s]
he: solve: 0.04 [s]
he: matrix: 0.00 [s]
he: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.585156e-05 (rel: 4.420023e-15)
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.535578e+09 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
he: rezidual: 0.05 [s]
he: solve: 0.10 [s]
he: matrix: 0.00 [s]
he: nls: iter: 1, residual: 3.777675e-06 (rel: 1.489867e-15)
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: nls: iter: 0, residual: 3.586306e+09 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
he: rezidual: 0.04 [s]
he: solve: 0.03 [s]
he: matrix: 0.00 [s]
he: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.571617e-05 (rel: 4.382273e-15)
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.00 s
he: nls: iter: 0, residual: 3.780010e+09 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
he: rezidual: 0.05 [s]
he: solve: 0.04 [s]
he: matrix: 0.00 [s]
he: nls: iter: 1, residual: 2.143972e-05 (rel: 5.671868e-15)
he: ...done
he: computing elastic_u...
he: equation "tmp":
he: dw_lin_elastic.i.Y( mat.D, Pi1u, Pi2u )
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.02 s
he: ...done
he: computing elastic_p...
he: equation "tmp":
he: dw_volume_dot.i.Y( mat.gamma, Pi1p, Pi2p )
he: updating materials...
he: mat
he: ...done in 0.01 s
he: ...done
he: computing D...
he: ...done
macro: ...done in 0.18 s
macro: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.204111e+07 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
macro: rezidual: 0.00 [s]
macro: solve: 0.02 [s]
macro: matrix: 0.01 [s]
macro: nls: iter: 1, residual: 2.109222e-08 (rel: 9.569489e-16)
macro: equation "tmp":
macro: ev_cauchy_stress.i.Omega( solid.D, u )
macro: updating materials...
macro: solid
macro: ...done in 0.02 s
macro: equation "tmp":
macro: ev_cauchy_strain.i.Omega( u )
macro: updating materials...
macro: ...done in 0.00 s
macro: equation "tmp":
macro: ev_cauchy_strain.i.Recovery( u )
macro: updating materials...
macro: ...done in 0.00 s
macro: left over: ['compute_micro_u', 'recovery_le', 'Struct', 'cb',
'absolute_import', 'compute_stress_strain_u', 'verbose',
'compute_mac_stress_part', 'requirements', 'nm', '_filename', 'data_dir',
'per', '__package__', 'add_stress_p', 'get_box_volume', 'set_elastic_u',
'expr_coefs', '__doc__', 'all_periodic',
'stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed', 'dim', '__builtins__', '__file__',
'equation_corrs', '__name__', 'region_lbn', 'ii', 'region_rtf',
'bulk_from_youngpoisson', 'define_box_regions', 'coefs']
macro: reading mesh [line2, tri3, quad4, tetra4, hexa8]
macro: ...done in 0.03 s
macro: creating regions...
macro: Right
macro: Ym
macro: Bottom
macro: Far
macro: Corners
macro: Yc
macro: Near
macro: Y
macro: Top
macro: Left
macro: ...done in 0.08 s
ii: 0, iel: 50
ii: 1, iel: 150
ii: 2, iel: 250
ii: 3, iel: 350
ii: 4, iel: 450
ii: 5, iel: 550
ii: 6, iel: 650
ii: 7, iel: 750
ii: 8, iel: 850
ii: 9, iel: 950
ii: 10, iel: 1050
ii: 11, iel: 1150
ii: 12, iel: 1250
... ../examples/homogenization/linear_elastic_mM.py solved
+++ test_input: ok
>>> all passed in 3.28 s
1 test file(s) executed in 3.28 s, 0 failure(s) of 1 test(s)