It's a great tool you built there! I'd like to use it for some kind of
topology optimisation.
Is there an "idiomatic" way to set the material parameters of individual
Thank you very much!
Dear all,
I'm observing something suspicious in a simulation that I wanted to share with you. I appreciate if you could help me out with it please: I'm simulating a 2D plate which is fixed in one end and I'm displacing the other end mimicking a uniaxial test. Now, when I average the nodal stress and divide by strain, I got a Young's modulus that shows 5% difference comparing with initial input E. So, is there any plausible explanation for it or there is something I'm missing in my simulation ? …
[View More]I tried different types of mesh, mesh size, mesh refinement, different integration order but all ended up into same observation.
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Hi everyone,
Just a quick question on .mesh file generated with GMSH. I notice that when I generate .mesh file ( for instance with [1]) it contains EDGES section and thus if I use the generated .mesh file in sfepy if gives me error while if I manually remove that section, everything goes well. So, I was curious is there any trick so that I can avoid writing EDGES section in .mesh file or is there a shortcut in sfepy for it ? I need to avoid manually removing it.
[1] https://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/blob/gmsh_4_8_4/tutorial/python/t1.py